We pull up outside of Hexes and Potions and surprisingly enough there is a parking spot. Down here in the French Quarter you are lucky if you don't have to park 2miles away. I put the car in park and we got out, heading toward the front door. Hexes and Potions was Nina's favorite occult store. They had everything from candles to stones to books. Anything the up and coming witch could possibly dream of. Not to mention it smelled amazing and was run by the most amazing sweetest woman ever. "Hi, Roeshell!" We exclaim as we walk in the door. The smell of Patchouli and Sandalwood permeated the air, throughout the darkness of the tiny shop. Red curtains hung on the doors and every shelf was filled with books, crystals and other occult wonders. Candles were lit everywhere and behind the counter stood Roeshell Landry. 

Roeshell Landry was absolutely amazing. She was in her mid 30s, 5ft 6in tall, had gorgeous ebony skin, long black hair that hung in dreads, the most amazing hazel eyes I have ever seen, it was looking into a small creek in the fall, all those, greens and browns dancing together and she spoke with a soft melodic voice that was thick with a creole accent. I absolutely adored her. 

"Oh if it isn't my two favorite little witches. Why aren't you at school girls? And what brings you my way this time?" she says her words flowing into one another like water flowing into a river. I could sit and listen to her speak all day. "Well," Nina starts. "I have a list of things I need. I need some rosemary, white sage, a peacock feather, some candles, 6 white, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 brown, and 1 yellow. I also need some anointing oil, and some stones, let's see, clear quartz, amethyst, moonstone, aquamarine, amber, a carnelian and a topaz...better make it a fire topaz....also I need..." Nina rambled on and on as I laughed and shook my head at her.

 I started to walk around looking at the books. I can't really explain what it was that I felt but I was feeling this pull toward a shelf in the back of the store. It felt like a magnet was centered in my chest and pulling me toward something. I was in a daze, almost a deep dark fog. I was so focused on the sensation I didn't sense Roe walk up next me. "Is there something back here you need?" She asked me with a hint of wonder and a look of suspicion. "Oh, Roe, you scared me." I said as I jumped up. "Oh dear honey Chile I am so sorry, I didn't mean to. Is there something back here that you were looking for in particular? She said, placing her hand on mine, closing her eyes trying to figure out what I was searching for. It was Roe's way to center herself with you. "No, I mean yes, but not really. It's quite difficult to explain." I said quickly, pulling my hand from hers. "Follow your instinct, Raven. It will lead you to the answers you seek." She said as she went back up front to help Nina. I watched her go, and wondered aloud to myself. "What?" 

The closer I got to the back shelf in the store the stronger of a pull I felt. I got to the far back corner of the store, to this bookshelf. The books on it looked like they haven't been touched in hundreds of years. Cobwebs strewn around the entire thing and about an inch of dust covered everything. I had never been back this far into the store before. I wonder what would make me come back this far now? And why did I feel like it was so important that I have it now. And suddenly there it was, in the middle of the top shelf. This book, bigger than the rest, is blue with very detailed silver writing titled The Elementals. Begging me to pick it up. I stood there staring at it. The overwhelming urge to touch it, that it holds all the answers, screaming inside my head. Something about this book screamed destiny.

 I normally don't believe in such things but this was completely different. It was like I had dreamt of this book before. Like I had seen it before, but I know I hadn't. I reach out to pluck the book off the shelf, not even realizing I am doing it and the second my hand gets within grasp of it, it flies into my hand as if by magic. I know magic isn't real. But I swear to you this book felt like it was vibrating in my hand. I turn it over in my hand looking for an author. Nothing. I slowly turn the book over and over in my hands completely mystified by it. This image pops into my head of four women surrounded by smoke and as fast as it came it was gone, I shook my head and slowly turned to make my way up to the front of the store holding the book in my hands, staring at it. 

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