"Ahhh, Molly. And my little teardrop," his voice boomed. He appraised me from head to toe, making me resist the urge to squirm uncomfortably.

"She is acceptable. Well done, my daughter," he sneered in her direction.

My face was blank, but internally I was screaming. Molly was Richard's motherf*cking daughter. God, what has she gone through?

She sent me a guilty glance, as if apologizing for not telling me. I shook my head a tiny bit, letting her know she was fine.

If she had told me the first time she came into my cell I probably wouldn't have trusted her, but she helped me so much that I just felt I could trust her.

Richard clapped his hands briskly, making me flinch. "We're almost ready to begin! I'll see you at the end of the aisle, my teardrop." He sent me a nauseating smile and left the room.

"Can you do this?" Molly asked lowly. I nodded, but I was trembling at the thought of being tied to this bastard in any way, even just temporarily.

"Stay safe, Molly," I said gently. I needed her to survive this. She jerked her head in response and left the room, abandoning me to the guards.

They gestured for me to follow them, presumably to my doom. Let's get this show on the road.

Marcus POV

"Are we ready?" I asked tersely, checking my gun magazine for the fifth time. My men nodded, their faces set.

"We are getting my sister back by any means necessary. Shoot to kill. No mercy for these f*ckers."

We moved into position, surrounding the fancy-looking hall silently. What the hell was happening in this building?

Counting down on my fingers, I nodded to Lucas, who threw a flash grenade into the building. We busted in there, ready for anything.

Except a f*cking wedding.

Brooke POV

I walked down the aisle, holding the white roses loosely, praying my brothers would show up before I reached the end.

No such luck. I stood stiffly, tensing up beside Dick as he sent me a sickening smile, something manic in his eyes.

The...pastor? How the hell did he get a clergy member to agree to this? The pastor read from a book, beginning with "Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here today to..."

I didn't listen, too focused on avoiding Richard's gaze, unnerved by the way his eyes flicked up and down my exposed body.

"Do you, Brooke Marie Amoretti–" first off, how the hell did he know my middle name? And isn't the ceremony supposed to take a lot longer before we get to the stupid vows?

"Ms. Amoretti?" the pastor prompted gently, and I realized I zoned out during the important part. I glanced at Molly, panicked, and she nodded emphatically, pleading with me to say the immortal phrase.

"I...I do," I said hesitantly. Richard sent me another disgusting smile, and I wished I could take the words back.

"And do you, Richard Arthur Teagle, take Brooke to be your lawfully wedded wife?" His eyes were shining with a feverish light as he said "I do."

And it was at that moment that my dear brothers made their late appearance.

Marcus POV

What the hell. My sister was standing in front of an altar in a white f*cking dress, next to a slimeball I presumed was f*cking Richard.

She looked tense but relatively unharmed, which was relieving.

Dick looked unperturbed by our entrance and raised guns. "I'm so glad the family of the bride was able to make an appearance, albeit late. Unfortunately, the time to object to the union has passed. We're a happily married couple now, aren't we, my teardrop?"

Brooke's face was stony, but her eyes found mine and I saw the trust in them. She kept touching her stomach for some weird reason, but I didn't have time to worry about that, instead moving my focus back to Dick.

"Release my sister or I'll shoot you in your namesake," I snarled, raising my gun. The previously frozen guests all stood in unison at my movement, pulling guns from God knows where.

"Really, did you think I would come unprepared?" Dick laughed, pulling a gun from a hidden side holster.

Brooke squirmed uncomfortably at the sight of it, her hand slipping into a hidden pocket in her dress.

Dick noticed her movement. "My little teardrop, just let the men handle this one. We'll be on our honeymoon soon enough," he gently touched her cheek and I saw her cringe.

Sadly, I couldn't do anything. Most of the "guests" were aiming their guns at us, but there were a select few with their muzzles pointed at Brooke. That was unacceptable.

"You see, if you shoot me, my men have orders to shoot my little teardrop, so we can be together in the afterlife. Now, put down your weapons and come congratulate the happy couple."

"Did you think they would come unprepared?" Brooke's voice was clear and calm as she stared straight at me, her hand fidgeting in her pocket.

"Teardrop, you should really stay out of this," Dick's voice had a dangerous edge as his finger closed around the trigger of his gun, aimed straight at me.

She whipped her hand out of her pocket, holding...a gun? Her gaze bored into Dick, her hand steady on the trigger. "You should really put your gun down."

"Teardrop, I don't want you to hurt yourself," Dick seemed unphased by the weapon in her grasp, barely glancing at it before turning his attention back to me. "I know you won't use it."

Brooke glanced at me, nodded reassuringly, and shoved the gun into his stomach. "I want a divorce," she said calmly, squeezing the trigger.

Dick collapsed and chaos exploded. Brooke dropped to the ground, hands covering her head. Smart girl.

Shots were going off all around as my men picked off the wedding "guests." I headed straight for Dick, who was attempting to pick himself up from the floor.

Before I could reach him, I was intercepted by a burly man holding a machine gun. Barely sparing him a look, I shot him in the head and continued on. In those 3 seconds, the unthinkable happened.

Dick had moved with impossible speed, managing to hit Brooke over the head with his gun.

She kicked and squirmed sluggishly, but Dick somehow had the strength to pull her closer, his gun hand raised.

Before I could reach him, he held a gun up to her head, and two shots went off.

A/N if you're wondering why Dick was able to get ahold of her, remember she had barely any food for 12 days. Also this chapter is incredibly cringey, I'm well aware. Feel free to laugh or complain about the inaccuracies and plot holes, but I am past caring so just know that nothing is changing until I find my will to live again.

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