She took spoon full of rice and shoved in her
mouth avoiding taking. I smiled as I saw her chubby cheeks motioned as she
chew. She noticed it and looked down eating.

  I said, “you should eat slowly.. no one is
stealing your food….” I moved her messy hairs away from her face, tucking them
behind her ears.

  She stopped eating and said, “Stop touching
me… I am not a kid, that you need to do these things….”

   I furrowed the way she talked to me, I said,
“then tell me, why you moved here again suddenly? why are acting like this?
this is not you, Amber…”

  She said looking in my eyes straight, “You
don’t know me… do you?.... this is me, I am acting like the way  I should. I do not need you to bug me on the
time I eat, I sleep, in my personal life I don’t want you to control it… Dad
didn’t said you to do all of this, he didn’t even cared about me or he won’t
have killed my mom… neither you care for me, this is your job… so do it as a

  What is she saying?... but whatever it is,
makes me angrier.

   I said, “I do care… and I am responsible for
your health and wellbeing…. You cannot talk to me like this…”

  She said in instant, “Edward… be honest…. If
dad didn’t asked you to look after me… will it be same as now?”

  I instantly said, “yes.. I would… I won’t let
a 17 year old all alone in this…” she gulped.

    Amber said, “Edward, this is a lie…. You
won’t mind to look at me… it’s your job to visit me once a week so do it, but
at least don’t interfere in my life too much, I don’t like people telling me
everything I have to do… I managed to live alone before and I can now… I am not
weak… just don’t show me your face when you have your own priorities….”

 I grabbed her hand in anger and said, “Amber,
enough!... you are being unreasonable… what is your problem?!!!”

  She flinched and said in tears, “You!!.. you
are my problem..” she rushed to her room before I could speak further. Did I
scare her off? She is trying to distance herself from me.


                     I banged
the door as I am frustrated, why he keeps showing up?.. can’t he understand I
am trying to be away from him? I hate it…

  I rolled on the bed frustrated, I was
thinking about him as I hugged my pillow. Every time I see him, I remember
how  I saw him with Olivia. I shouldn’t
pull him any close, I don’t want to be a house breaker… I can’t come in between
a happy relationship… actually I don’t even matter, he love her, he never
really looked at me as if I was a women… I am just a burden… a burden from
which he will be free soon.

  Next month is my 18th birthday,
then just two more years, then he is free… he will move out with her somewhere
and live a normal life….. I should free him. I wiped my tears with a resolution.  


                I am still in
the mansion, right now I am standing in the garden looking at this fountain. I
don’t know what is going on. Is this a phase of her? she is a teenager… of
course she will behave rebellion… especially after living such a hard life….
but  I can’t just let her live on her
own, I feel she won’t be safe….

    I felt someone behind me, I turned to see
Aunt Linda. I turned back to the fountain. Aunt Linda stood beside me, she
said, “You know… sometimes kids get like this… they refuse to listen because
they don’t know what is good for them… I think Miss. is going through that

  I nodded, I said, “but she should be little
more mature, at least tell me what is wrong…. Instead of shutting herself off,
bursting out… I hate when people ignore my questions…”

  Aunt Linda said, “We can just wait till
storms inside her heart cool down… she will tell everything, I guess she is
feeling lonely. I found her sleeping hugging Madam’s picture right now..” I
guess so.

   I asked, “she is sleeping…”

  Aunt Linda said, “Yes, I took some juice for
her since she didn’t eat much… but she was sleeping.” I sigh. My phone rang,
Aunt Linda gave me privacy excusing herself.

  I answered the called, “Yes, Olivia..”

  Olivia said, “Edward… where are you? the
Party is in 1 hour, we have to head to it… it’s important..” I have a party to
attend, meet some professional people. I want to take Amber but I guess she is
not ready for it… but she should be, she is the new successor at last.

  I said, “I will be there… keep my suit
ready.” I ended the call.

  I walked in the mansion, and went to her soon
upstairs. I hesitantly open the door, I saw her sleeping under the cover. I
couldn’t help but smile. She really is a Amber.

   I caressed her head, I whispered, “I wish
you could tell me why are you like this?.... I really don’t want to be seen me as
your problem my Amber…. Please lets return the way we were few days ago..”

  I miss all of that… she came like a ray of
light in my dark and deep world. I got out of the room, closing the door. Yes,
I know we both are in the darkness, she has some of her problems… and I have
mine, I felt lonely and left behind every time I saw myself in the mirror. Like
a man has everything but still is nothing, I had no one to smile with, no one
to share meals with, no one to care for, no one to be happy with.… weird to
express but it’s my reality. But this little thing came like a glowing sun in
my life, now that she is deflecting slightly it’s suddenly too dark here… I
hate it more than before.

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