30. Find my way to you

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''You look free. Aren't you going to catch red-white mask ?'' Rang asked the older who was relishing his meal.
''I already went looking for him but he's gone.''
''Want my guys to look for him ?''
''No, he'll come on his own.'' Yeon said confidently.
''By the way, do you know where y/n is ?'' Yeon asked as it occured to him.
''I saw her last yesterday night when I came back with you. Dont know where she is since morning. I thought i'd ask her to help me escape from the kimchi making earlier. Maybe she knew about it before us. Is that why she left alone ?'' Yeon's facial expressions escalated quickly, ignored by Rang who was busy drinking.

''Hey, why are you drinking makgeolli on an empty stomach ? Here, have some suyuk.''
''Seriously, cut it down !'' Rang pushed the chopsticks away rashly.
''Both of you keep doing this, being nice to me. It's really annoying.'' Rang stormed off. He wandered around until it was nighttime. His mind was in a chaos, why were Yeon and y/n treating him so nicely when they're going to leave in a month ? Was his constant pull towards y/n just because she looked like someone ? Maybe he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he couldn't feel the rain falling on him or even his steps pausing as he looked up to find himself standing right in front of y/n.

''How do I

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''How do I... I always come back to you ?'' All of Rang's thoughts were now washed away just at the sight of her.
Y/n took steps closer to him, held his hand,
''Now that you have, let me lead you.'' Without any restraint, Rang walked with y/n who led them under a shelter to save them from getting any more drenched. It hit Rang then that it was raining. Everything came back to him. He closed his eyes shut as if the memories playing in front of his eyes would stop in the dark.
A warm feeling embraced him as y/n wrapped her arms around him, barricading the rough past, that once affected her too.

The rain had almost stopped, y/n pulled away from Rang, ready with the cue cards in her mind.
''It seemed that the rain bothered you even last time. I remembered you asking me to embrace you so I--''
''Dont do this again.'' He said in a calm but monotonous voice.
''What ?''
''No matter how miserable I look, don't agree with what I say. I'll become used to this. I'll become used to you. I dont want to torment myself for something I cant have.'' With that he left but y/n knew this couldn't go any longer. She needed to put this act to a conclusion. After giving it a moment of thought she decided to discuss this with Yeon and went back to Myoyeongak not knowing the ordeal that awaited her there.

There was a huge crowd surrounding two people gambling, is what y/n could sense of the situation.
''Wait, am I seeing things ?'' Y/n blinked twice.
''The crowd is not that of humans but spirits and minor gods ? Since when did Hong joo-ssi allow tutelary deities to reside in here ? Then again, that life span thief turtle also stayed here.''
''Madam ! Madam ! Here you are ! I was looking for you and boss's brother everywhere.'' Doo mok said huffing while y/n stood confused.
''Why ? What happened ?''
''It's boss. He's on a betting gambling. But he's not betting money. He betted his life span !''
''Where is he ?'' Doo mok rushed with the latter to Rang who was barely breathing holding a dim lit candle.

''Hey, what happened ?'' Yeon asked, his face pale at the sight of his brother's condition. Rang took a quick glance at y/n who was now standing next to Yeon and then replied,
''It's my remaining life span. I've less than a day to live.'' He said eyeing the candle that looked like it would blow out any minute.
''Who did this to you ?''
''Dokgakgwi.'' That was enough for Yeon to storm off pulling out his sword.
Y/n quickly kneeled in front of Rang to cover the dim light of the candle with her hands, that would have blown out if not for her.
''Give that to me.''
''It's alright. I just have to hold it for a day.'' Rang spoke confident of his death and y/n wasn't ready for him to switch so easily.
''I wasn't asking.'' She said as she took the candle from his hold and handed it to Doo mok.

''Is that why you left in a hurry ? Because you wanted to come here and gamble away your life ? Just what were you thinking while playing your life away with a demon ?''
''It's my life. Who cares what I do with it.'' Rang spoke nonchalantly.
''LEE RANG, IT'S NOT JUST YOUR LIFE. I know you are a Bandit leader, you involve yourself in illegal things, you seem careless with what you say but you are actually a man of your words. And no matter what, you wouldn't go back on the promises you made to your loved ones. Everyone near you believes atleast that much about you. Except for yourself.
It seems that you've forgotten who you actually are. You promised y/n that you would wait for her, however long it takes. That you would find her when she comes back, you gave your word, Rang. How could you just crush all of that in a mere bet ? Are you accepting the cruel fate and letting go of her so easily ? Is this how the story ends, just like that ?''

Tears slid down Rang's eyes as he shook his head, sealing his lips tight.
''It's not in me to let go of y/n, ever.'' Y/n smiled as she stood up giving Rang a hand.
''Then let's go and get your life span back.''


Hey guys,I've been off wattpad for a good ten days or something

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Hey guys,
I've been off wattpad for a good ten days or something. Been taken a semester off had me all over the place so I was kinda busy with that. That's about me. How have you guys been ? Also, question, do y'all believe in astrology ?

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