1. Never Satisfied

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I walked away from the grounds with a triumphant smirk. Well, that was a very interesting competition. Even the aftermath went down rather well. First off, I once again got the chance to destroy an item that was so precious to our little prodigy. The anguish on his face brought me indescribable pleasure. Then his best friend claimed he could stop me in my rampage of destruction, which I find hysterical. He could give it his best shot, but we both know how it'll end. It was finished with their little protege challenging me to a battle himself, all to avenge their friend and his final gift from his mother. Sad, really. For him, that is. I am currently ecstatic. Today has been a thrill. They sure do make life interesting for me, and I won't complain. They're playthings with a bit of pizazz. I smiled to myself, glancing at the Phoenix engraved into my bow, who had a disapproving look on her face. I understand this wasn't part of the plan, but it was all worth it in the end. It always is.

"You're still not satisfied, are you, Phoenix?" I asked, watching as she emerged from my bow, flying beside me. She was careful not to touch anything so it wouldn't all go up in flames. How very thoughtful of her. In my opinion, this world should just burn. Let them all perish at the hands of their mistakes. It's the least they deserve. I glanced at Phoenix, her beauty lighting up the place. What a stunning display. Although she sure has seen happier days, that doesn't concern me that much right now.

"I am never satisfied, but you should know this by now, Ankoku." She said, and I watched as her eyes lit up with what could only be malice. It stirred a mixture of curiosity and fear within me. This was never a good look. It always ends in me suffering. Or better yet, getting tortured. "But I crave a different kind of suffering than usual. Something you might not find as much enjoyment in."

"What is it?" I questioned, wondering what she meant by that. I mean, I have an idea, I just don't wish it to be true. She never was one to suggest change, though. I wonder what sparked this. Maybe all these challenges are making her tired. Or maybe she's just as heartless as I am and wants a new plaything. Whose to know?

"We have seen other people suffer; witnessed them fall into the pits of despair; watched their lives get destroyed over and over again. But when was the last time you suffered like that; like they were?" The sun caught her eyes, causing the rubies to glint, which only made her seem more terrifying. It brought out the malice in her eyes.

"Where is this going?" I know what she means, but I don't like where she's going with this conversation. I had always feared that this day would come around again. She had always been ruthless, even compared to me, and what she was even considering doing to me made me more nervous than I had ever been.

"I want to see you suffer." She hissed, and I suppressed a shudder, instead forcing myself to laugh at the prospect of it, deciding to test the limits of my restraints. I won't let her see me break just yet. Maybe then she'll leave me alone. Maybe then I'll have a little more time to prepare myself. Maybe then the fear will stop.

"Alright, I'll bite. How do you plan on making me suffer?" I queried, wondering how gruesome it would be this time. She has always had a sick sense of humour. She takes sadistic pleasure in torturing me. She always has done.

"I have gained the unique power to send someone back to an altered past, and I could make your altered past a living hell," Phoenix explained, and I have never felt such relief as I do now. My past was already a living hell, she literally couldn't make it any worse than it already was, and if she did then I would be impressed. I invite her to try, though, because that would be interesting, to say the least. That's put me at ease for the time being.

"You could do that," I smirked at her, us both knowing that it was an impossible mission on her part that would only result in a loss; the destruction of this future that had been so carefully made. "But by altering my past, you could be throwing away all of this, and do you really want that?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, stopping in front of me, and I was forced to face her. I would ask her why she was doing all this to me, but it would be the same excuse as always. She was doing this for me - to make me stronger, so I could become the best, but what she failed to realise is that I never wanted this. I was sold to her as a child. I do not crave the same strength as she does. I crave a freedom I have never been allowed. I crave to be those we leave in the mud because they still have their lives; their sanity. It's a sad existence, really, but what's a guy to do?

"Just because I don't want to do it, doesn't mean I won't hesitate to do it. Sacrifices have to be made in our quest for destruction." She replied, her eyes still glistening in the sun. They did enhance her beauty, I'll give her that. But they also enhanced her fear factor, which wasn't good for me. Her eyes had always terrified me.

"So? What are you going to do then?" I cocked an eyebrow, wondering if she'll actually go through with this little plan of hers. It's the least destructive one so far, and I'm surprised she's being so lenient. Maybe she's finally gotten bored. This will be her final trick before she leaves for good. That would be nice.

"Exactly what I just told you." She said as a light wrapped around my body, eventually engulfing me, and this terror that I felt was astronomical. It was world-ending. I didn't know what to make of it. I felt my whole life come crashing down.

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