91. Memory Lane

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A.N. You're both 17.

Year of 2002

Jey. "Mama, I don't want to be here." You groan as you fold your arms in annoyance. Your parents were forcing you to join them for one of their co-workers/ friends kickbacks at the beach. You sat in the backseat of your parents SUV with annoyance written all over your face. You'd rather be at home in your bed watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or reading a book while your grandmother watched Jeopardy downstairs in the living room.

"Come on sweetie, it's going to be a nice little family and friends get together. Besides Joshua is going to be there." She grins.

"Of course he's going to be there mama, it's his dad hosting it." You roll your eyes.

Joshua Fatu, or Jey as everyone in school called him was a classmate of yours along with his twin brother Jonathan and his cousin Joseph Anoai. You didn't know much about these three except they were voted as Most Handsome in your senior yearbook. They also played football together, basketball, baseball, and pretty much any other sport that they could have a ball in their hands. They were quite literally the popular kids of your school. You, on the other hand, kept to yourself. You were the top student at your school, in the poetry club, a part of your school's student government association, and were even active in your community. Not to toot your own horn, but you were also in the American Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese clubs.

You often try to stay clear of boys like Joshua as they seemed to be nothing but trouble. It's crazy because while you tried to avoid them, boys and girls flocked to them. Boys envied them or wanted to be their friends and girls wanted to date them. You remember when Joseph Anoai started dating one of the cheerleaders and she thought she was the shit. But truth be told, you're sure any girl these three guys associated themselves with would.

"I could be coming up with a cure for the common cold or the world's first solar-powered car and yet here I am being forced to party." You sigh. You weren't trying to come off as rude and ungrateful, but you just preferred your solitude.

"Sweet heart please, try and live a little. It's not going to hurt you to enjoy the beach and free food. I'm just as invested in your future as you are, but honey, please. You're 17 years old, not 30. Have fun while you can."

"I have to agree with your mother princess, this could be good for you to make friends."

"I don't want friends, they disappoint me."

"You look very beautiful today sweetheart." Your mother says changing the subject as you arrive at the beach.

"Thanks, mama." You mumble as you look down at your selected outfit for this afternoon. A Juicy Couture tracksuit with your matching purse and sneakers. Your hair was pulled into two curly pigtails, gold bamboo hoop earrings adorned your ears and your lip gloss was poppin' and shinin against your naturally brown and pink lips. You looked good!

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