1. Walk Me Down The Aisle!

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A.N. Welcome to my first post for my new Bloodline book. Enjoy!

"Mmmm." You moaned as you stretched your unusually sore limbs. You reach over without looking and grab your phone on the nightstand. You shield your eyes momentarily until they adapt to the light on your phone screen. Looking at your phone screen, it reads eleven-fifteen in the morning. Which is a surprise to you since you're usually up bright and early at seven. What could've caused you to basically sleep the morning away?

Lying on your side, you hiss as you grab your throbbing head. It felt like a balloon was being inflated into your head, pressure building slowly but surely causing a slight nauseous feeling.

"What the fuck happened last night?" You groan as you lie your head back down on the soft pillow. All you remember was standing on top of a bar chugging down tequila, shaking ass like it was nothing on some random midget and people cheering you on. Everything after that is a blur.

"I'm never drinking again in my fucking life." You groan. You unlock your phone to see a bunch of missed calls and unanswered texts. The majority being from your best friend Talia. You had traveled out to Samoa for her wedding to her amazing fiancé.


Y/n! Wake up, we're all meeting downstairs for breakfast!


Sis, I know you not still sleep? Wake yo ass up, they have your favs!


You're lucky I don't have a key to your room, what are you doing in there?!?!? And have you seen Roman? He isn't answering either!

Roman. Her brother. What an arrogant asshole.  You met Roman about two years ago through Talia. You see, you were a traveling nurse from Charlotte, North Carolina and one of your assignments had been in Pensacola, Florida. You had been there for about four months and although it was hectic being in a new place, away from family and friends and life as you knew it, you decided to become a resident of Florida.

You met Talia because she owned her own business and you just so happened to be a happy customer that she became best friends with. You became close fairly quick and she even introduced you to her family. Her family was lovely and you had to admit, she had some of the best looking relatives. You met her cousins Joshua, Johnathan, Joseph Fatu and their lovely wives. Trinity being the one you connected with the most with her bubbly personality.

And then there was Roman. An arrogant son of a bitch that couldn't stop talking about himself. Seriously! When you first met, all he talked about was himself and his success and his delusional ass "island of relevancy". The entitlement that oozed from this man was unbelievable. If it weren't for this, you'd probably consider him just a man that was confident in himself, but to you, he took it too far. At the wave of his hand, people dropped to their knees for the CEO.

He swore up and down that you were jealous of his success and because you couldn't prove him wrong. To you, you could do that and more but you couldn't stand being around him.

The only reason you were dealing with his stupid ass was because his little sister, Talia was getting married this weekend. After this, you'd forget this mans entire existence if you can.

Your fingers began typing out a response to her before you hear a deep groan behind you nearly scaring the shit out of you.

"AH-" You quickly clasp your hands to your mouth to keep from screaming out. Your heart was pounding like the drummer boy himself was drumming on your heart. You hadn't noticed the sleeping figure lying beside you wrapped up in the sheets.

Clearly naked from his exposed tattooed chest to his legs peeking from under the sheets. He had rolled onto his side, his back to you revealing his broad and masculine shoulders. His beautiful skin glowing under the sunshine peeking through the half closed blinds.

"Oh my-" You threw the covers up to look at your own body and sure enough, you were as naked as a newborn baby. You slide out of bed, trying your best not to wake him. You tip-toe to the bathroom and look at your reflection in the mirror.

"Good God!" You whisper looking at the multiple hickies that adorned you from your neck to your collarbone, down to your breasts. "I look like I was attacked by a fucking bear!" You whisper yell. You look down even further to see more hickies scattered on your inner thighs. Suddenly, flashed of last night became clouding your mind. Roman having you screaming at the top of your lungs as his beautiful lips gave you the most attention down there you've ever received.

"Oh-my-G-Roman! Shit! Right there!" He looks up from between your legs with hooded eyes and a determined look in his eyes.

"Come on baby, you can do better than that, give it to me."

"No he didn-oh fuck!" You run back into your hotel room in time to see him slowly sitting up against the headboard rubbing his face.

"What's with all the damn movement this early?" His deep morning voiced called out. You quickly run to the scattered clothes on the floor, rushing to find your top at least. But everything was torn, down to your panties. You found the first item that wasn't torn to smithereens and it just so happened to be his shirt. You threw it over your body, only fir it to cover you up slightly.

"W-W-What happened last night?!?!" You exclaim looking at the handsome naked man in front of you. He looks at you confused, then around the room. He repeated your actions from earlier and looked under the covers to realize he too was naked. His eyes moving from side to side until the realization kicked in.

Clothes scattered on the floor. Both naked. Hangovers. The marks scattering your body. Hair disheveled. Body sore as hell.

He finally looks up at you with his brown orbs.

"We fucked up."

"We fucked up."

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