"What are your orders, my lord?" Raynare asked with a more obedient tone.

The blonde turned to her and the rest of the undead. "Dispose any of the bodies left here, and clean up any traces of blood. Make it look like there was never any murder here." He ordered with a commanding voice.

The undead bowed. "As you decree." Raynare, the ring leader of the group spoke. All of them began working.

Arthas was a bit... disturbed of the way they cleaned the bodies. And by clean, they all gobbled the bodies up. 

Guess they're just like the zombies from films.


Arthas and his undead arrived back at Campus without being noticed. Well, a few passerby saw. But they probably thought it was just some cosplay. There was a convention going on in the neighboring city.

"All of you, patrol around the campus for the night, but do not get caught by anyone." Arthas ordered, and the dead obeyed. 

He could get used to this.

The Death Knight entered the building and headed to the main room where they would all usually meet up. In there was only Rias, talking with someone via magic. 

She finished up shortly and looked at Arthas. "Welcome back, I assume the cleanup is done?" Arthas simply nodded and sat down on a sofa. "Good. Everyone has already left to their home for the night."

"And Asia?" He inquired. 

"She's already in her room here. Probably waiting for you." 

Arthas nodded at that. He was tired and wanted to sleep. 

"Arthas, earlier... was that power part of your Sacred Gear?" Rias asked, obviously talking about his display of necromancy. 

He nodded again. "Yeah, it was. I unlocked it before the attack, when I was meditating on my weapon."

"I see." Rias was a bit suspicious on how he suddenly unlocked such a powerful ability conveniently right before their attack on the Fallen Angels. But she decided to not press on further, and instead, observe from afar.

Probing her Knight for more info might do more harm than good. And besides, its late. He needs sleep and so does she.

"Then that's all for now. Go and sleep, I'll head out in a bit." She gave him a smile. "Goodnight Arthas." 

"Goodnight Rias." Arthas stood up and stretched with a yawn, before heading off to the guest room. As he entered, he saw Asia sleeping peacefully holding a book she was reading.

He smiled at the sight warmly. She really did reminded him of his sister. He made sure not to make any noise as he made it to her side, and very carefully grabbed the book off her hands and placed it on the drawer nearby.

He tucked her in and brushed a stray her away from her gentle face. "Goodnight, Asia." He whispered, before laying down on the mattress on the floor, quickly drifting off to sleep.

Asia was now seen smiling as she slept peacefully.

The following day, after their classes had ended, the trio consisting of Arthas, Asia, and Issei were now seen at the front of Ikea. The large building was quite intimidating for them save for Arthas.

Arthas looked at the two with a smile. "Well then, shall we get going?"

"Yeah!" The two infront of him shouted in agreement.

Since Asia will now be staying at Arthas' house since he has the spare bedroom for her, and that she's most comfortable with him, they'll be shopping for new bedroom furniture.

And whatever else she would need. Being a Devil also serves as a job, and Arthas had more than enough money to buy what Asia needed for her new bedroom.

He also plans do add extra furniture to the other rooms. His house was a bit plain as it is, and for some reason he just felt like wanting to give Asia a better home than just a plain one.




"Wow, this bed is really comfy!" Asia exclaims as she feels the soft mattress of the bed being displayed at Ikea. The three of them were shopping for the furniture in Asia's new room. "Do you want it?" Arthas asked as he smiled at her gleeful expression, same as Issei.

"Its kind of expensive though..." Issei says while looking at the tag price. "Don't worry about it, I've got more than enough funds. Let's move on to other furniture." "Okay!" Answered the happy and excited former sister of the church.

For the rest of the day they bought furniture, which were delivered to Arthas' house and was assembled by the Ikea employees, meaning that Asia already has a furnished bedroom to sleep in.

"Waaah this is so amazing!" The blonde sister giggles as she looks around her new room. "Glad you're enjoying it. This is going to be your room now for a long time, so get comfy." The other blonde figure in the room spoke with a smile, before being pulled into a hug by the other one.

"Thank you so much Arthas! This means so much to me. I promise I'll take good care and clean this room every week!"

The Death Knight could only chuckle as she adorably gives her thanks. "You better. Oh, and you'll probably start going to our school on Monday so look forward to that." Asia nodded eagerly. 

Arthas chuckles at his adorable new roommate. "Alright, its getting late now. Go to sleep." He steps out of Asia's bedroom. "Goodnight Asia."

"Goodnight Arthas, see you tomorrow!" 

Arthas nods with a smile before closing the door and headed downstairs to the living room. Issei had left earlier shortly after the delivery guys assembled all the furniture at Asia's bedroom. What awaited in the bedroom was his loyal undead minions. 

"My Lord, what is thy bidding?" Asked Raynare, whom had her head bowed and kneeled on one knee just as the rest were.

Arthas' emerald green eyes focused on the leader of his undead group. He hadn't made an official and easier to address name for them yet. Perhaps another time. He had a more important business to attend to. Earlier this day, he had contacted Ner'zhul once more, who was more than pleased at his new undead minions raised from the corpses of Fallen Angels.

"You have began building your army. Very good, my champion." The chilly, ghostlike voice of the Lich King spoke through the Frozen Throne, the icy prison of the Dark Lord of the dead. "But it is small, incomplete."

"I'll be able to build more. With necromancy, each foe I slay makes my army grow." Arthas said in response to the Lich King's comment on his recent accomplishment.

The Dark Lord merely chuckles. "Yes... that much is true. However, numbers are meaningless without a proper commander to lead such a vast and large army. I have called out to others who would wish to pledge their loyalties to me years ago. There is one who answered my call and pledged their undying service to me. Over the years, they have been secretly making a cult that will aid me, and by extension, you."

This piqued the Death Knight's interest. "Who is this man then?"

The cold wind blows, causing Arthas' white hair in Death Knight form to move towards his right. The Lich King's still figure, a figure of an empty armor within the icy prison, stared into Arthas' soul. 

"This man is a powerful mage. A powerful Necromancer." Though without a face, Arthas could feel a smirk form on Ner'zhul's nonphysical face. "His name is... Kel'Thuzad."

"And you will help him move all his followers and resources to Kuoh, and work closely with him."

That was what the Lich King had told him. He knew nothing of this Kel'Thuzad, but if the Lich King spoke highly of him, then clearly this Necromancer was of great importance and had great use.

"All of you will fly to Europe and search for a man named Kel'Thuzad. Tell him the Lich King sent you, and that he and his cult must fully transfer here in Kuoh. All this must be done in secrecy, so do not be caught. Eliminate any witness and tie any lose ends." His gaze hardens into a glare, eyes glowing a cerulean blue. "Do not fail me. Understand?" The temperature in the living room dropped down significantly.

The undead all spoke at the same time in perfect unison. "Yes my liege!" 

And in a burst of feathers, they were all gone.

The gears are starting to really turn now. Each gear, an event. Soon, a mighty army will arise that will shake the very foundation of the world.

And soon.

They will bow before their King.



Hehe I wonder if there's still people actually interested in this story

I also wonder how much you guys know of the crossover

Are you only familiar with DxD?

Are you only familiar with Warcraft?

Or both?

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