Chapter 4

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//I aint dead yet

"I can't believe you two!" A loud scorning voice comes out from the old school building, where the Occult Research Club takes place in. "How could you come into careless contact with a member of the church, much less help them?!" It came from Rias Gremory, the president of the ORC. 

"B-but we were just helping her with directions!-" Issei tried to rebut only to get shutdown by Rias. "Contact is still contact!" She takes a deep breath to calm down a bit before she runs her mouth off too much without a second thought.

"Listen Issei, we're Devils, the enemies of the Church and basically anyone who is religious. Conflict with the Church is not something we can afford, understand?" She says with a calmer and softer voice. She couldn't blame Issei since he is still new to this whole thing.

Arthas on the other hand..

The gorgeous redhead turns to the handsome blonde knight, well, the tall foreign one specifically with a glare. Arthas prepares himself for his turn to be scolded at.

"But you Arthas on the other hand are an experienced Devil, so why did you approach the nun? You of all Devils here in this  town should know just how much the Church hates Devils like us!" 

The Death Knight sighs with crossed arms as he quickly thought of his rebuttal. He took a deep breath, as if to prepare a speech as to why his actions was very much justified the risk of sparking conflict with their worst enemy, the Church.

"I have no excuses." Needless to say they were dumbfounded from his very much serious answer. "I knew the risks but took it by helping the nun. In terms of supernatural hierarchy of power, she might as well be a regular human who happened to possess some healing abilities with her sacred gear, Twilight Healing."

Arthas knew which Sacred gear it was after giving some thought, as he had done a lot of research as he tried finding out more about Frostmourne and his latent power.

Rias just groans while rubbing her nose bridge in frustration. "Since what you did was an act of kindness towards the sister, they didn't harm you when you were near the Church. But the Angels are always on the lookout, one wrong step when you'll find yourself at the other end of a light spear. Again. So as of now, the two of you will no longer interact with that sister or anyone else from the Church, understand?" 

"Y-Yes" "As you decree." The brunette and the blonde replied respectively.

"Listen Issei, you managed to survive being killed as a human through resurrection as a Devil, but a Devil who is exorcised returns to nothing, do you understand?" Rias turns her focus on Issei once again, hoping he could learn just how serious the situation was.

She's a tad bit relief that Arthas was with him.. but at the same time, worried. 

She took a deep breath. "Phew.. sorry, I got a bit heated. Just be sure to sure to be careful from now on, okay? And Arthas, please try being a good role model for Issei and NOT getting into dangerous situations. You're strong, but he's still green and fresh for a Devil."

Arthas gives a simple nod. He gets it, crystal clear. He dragged his newbie peerage member into a dangerous situation, even if the latter did agree to doing it in the first place.

Sometimes Rias wonders if she's being too soft on her peerage, but she just can't seem to bring herself to be too harsh on them. Some would say that she even coddles them too much that they aren't growing properly as Devils.

But she could care less for their words. She would rather be seen coddling them than being unjustly cruel to them, like most High-class Devils with their Peerages. Not all, but most. 

"Ara ara~ Are you done lecturing these two?" Akeno says from behind Arthas and Issei. 

"Yes yes I am." Rias said, now much calmer and less worried. "Did something happened?"

Akeno gave a rather sadistic smile. "An order of extermination from the Arch Duke."





Stray Devils. 
Their names explain their existence.
When a Devil servant within a peerage betrays or kills their master, they are labeled as strays. Fortunately, this case has a rare occurrence.

Humans who are reincarnated as a Devil gain much more power than before, and it is this power that can make them drunk on it. It makes them crave more. 

This causes them to leave their masters, causing destruction somewhere else in a frenzy. They tend to think themselves Gods, when they tend to be worthless insects. 

The Fallen Angel that nearly exorcised Issei thought the latter was one such, how unfortunate for him to found that the Devil actually belonged to a house. A Gremory one at that. Since Stray Devils can be a threat to Angels and Fallen Angels, they too partake in their elimination when possible. 

Stray Devils are akin to lawless criminals, a threat to Devil society. And such they must be punished and killed. Exterminated like rats. 

The entirety of the Gremory Peerage, save for their NEET bishop, arrives at an unused building on the outskirts of Kuoh. A perfect and rather cliché hiding spot for a villain. Intel says that the stray has been luring and eating humans in this building.

And since it has escaped to the Gremory's territory, it is their duty to eliminate the threat.

It was midnight, the world was in darkness. A devil thrives in such environment. As the peerage gets closer to the building, their white haired rook speaks up with disgust in their voice. 
"The smell of blood.." She covers her nose with her uniform upon catching the scent of iron.

Arthas takes a good whiff, and although his sense of smell isn't as good as the rook, he could smell it too. A smell he was all too familiar with.

Then, a killing intent waves over them. Issei's legs shake, a natural reaction upon first encounter with such evil. The peerage prepares to fight. Arthas summons Frostmourne, chill befalling the area, as his blonde hair turns snow white, his skin pale and his eyes glowed a cerulean blue.

"Watch and learn, Issei. See how we devils fight." The Death Knight spoke up, thinking this was a perfect opportunity to show their new member how a battle is fought by Devils of a peerage.

The brunette gulps nervously, looking over to Rias who smiles confidently at him. "Don't worry, we're more than capable of handling it. Just stay back and learn, I'll explain things to you as they fight." The boy just nods.

Rias decides to start with the history of Devils before tackling on the more fighting aspects. "Long ago, there were three factions. Devils, Fallen, and Angels. Three sides had large armies, and all three sides fought with one another. The war ended several hundred years ago. No one won, and all sides suffered tremendous loss."

She and other peerage members explain to Issei the history of Devils, as well as how the Evil pieces work and how it was based on the human game "Chess."

A peerage contained 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, a queen, and of course, the King. 

They always explained what a rating game is, and how one must be a matured Devil to participate in one less it is a special occasion or exception, a foreshadowing of the future.

But the brunette had a question about his role in all of this. "But wait.. so what's m-"

But before he finished his sentence, they were interrupted. As the killing intent earlier became stronger.. and this time, a voice followed.

"I can smell something disgusting.. but also delicious. Is it sweet? Or sour?" The growling low voice playfully asks.

"Well truth be told I'm surprised it even let us converse for this long." Arthas commented with a smirk.

"Stray Devil Vaizor, we are here to eliminate you." Rias declares.

"Kekekekekkekekekekekekekkekekekek..." The stray's abnormal laughter echoes around.

From the darkness of the unused building, a topless woman floats, only for it to be followed by the lower body of a large monster. This reminded Arthas of something when he did his research.

A civilization of large arachnids called Nerubians that lived in the far north. They were mighty and cunning, and were resistant to all kinds of diseases. When fighting opponents that flied, they would drag them to the ground with their strong webs.

It was said that not even dragons were entirely safe from the webs.

The stray held a spear in her hands, as her grotesque monstrous lower body walked forward on its four plus sized legs that were geared with sharp claws, and towered over 5 feet tall.

"Leaving your Master's side and rampaging as you please deserves nothing short of death. In the name of Duke Gremory, we will gladly elimante you!" Rias declares with confidence.

"How cunning for a little girrrll... I will rip your body and color it red like your hair!" The stray sneered at the Devil before it.

Same devil simply smirked. "Such stylish banter from a grunt. Yuuto, Arthas!"


The two knights dashed, appearing as a blur as they lunged at the Stray. Kiba with his European sword, and Arthas with Frostmourne.

"Now then, I will continue explaining the Evil Pieces." Rias said to Issei as the fight finally started. "Yuuto and Arthas' position is that of a Knight. Those who become a Knight are granted immense agility."

The stray tried hitting them with it's large spear, but in the eyes of the two knights, the stray swung in slow motion.

"Those two's specialty are swords."

And in a burst in speed, Kiba cuts off the arms of the stray, rendering the spear useless as it too drops along with the arms. Arthas meanwhile goes underneath the stray, and in a burst of his own speed, strikes and cuts multiple deep wounds underneath the stray's monstrous lower half.

Using his newly added powers of decay, the wounds began rapidly decaying the flesh in and out of it. But the Death Knight wasn't done yet.


 After he made his way to the back of the stray when he struck those wounds underneath it, he dashes back to the front with a large slash, completely cutting off the four thick legs at once causing the stray to fall to the ground as their limbs were rendered to nothing but bleeding stumps. 

Decay began spreading throughout its body, causing unimaginable pain from the inside, making the stray cry and screech from its injuries.

"That is their power, speed so fast your eyes can't follow, and sword skills of a master. Combine those two and you get the ultimate knights." Rias continued the lecture after the stray got butchered by the two speeding knights.

The combined attack happened in seconds.

Then, the stray's body was suddenly lifted, confusing both Issei and the former. Underneath the stray was Koneko, who was easily holding up the large grotesque body of the stray devil. 

"Next is Koneko, our Rook. As a Rook she gains incredible strength and durability. In video game terms, she could be described as a tank or even a bruiser." 

"..Fly..." Koneko expressionlessly says as she pulls on of her arms back a bit, before delivery a strong sharp punch to the stray, launching it up into the sky.

"GAH!-" The stray throws up blood from the punch combined with earlier injuries.

"And lastly, Akeno, our resident Queen."

"Ara ara~ What should I do with this one?~" The raven haired beauty walks up as the stray lands back on the ground after that bunch, groaning in pain.

"Akeno possess the traits of the Queen, which gives her the benefits of Knight, Rook, and Bishop. She is the strongest after me." Rias explains as the Stray began glaring and growling at the approaching Akeno. 

"Ara ara, seems like you still have a lot of energy.. then how about this?~" She raises her hand, the sound of distant thunder follows. And in a flash, lightning strikes the Stray lighting the area up like a large Christmas tree.

The Stray screams in pain from the top of their lungs, before stuttering from the electrocution. It's body was burnt and smoking from the lightning, but Akeno, who sadistically smiled and laughed wasn't done yet.

"Ara ara~ Looks like you can take more~" More lightning bolts then struck the stray, earning more screams of agony and electrified stuttering, but it died down a little as the stray didn't have much vitality left in them. 

"Akeno excels at using demonic powers and is quite adept at using elemental magic, particularly, lightning. Its her favorite as the Ultimate Sadist." Rias seemed rather unbothered by her best friend's torture sessions.

"I'm pretty scared right now-" Issei says, lowly, as to not reach Akeno's ears less he gets educated on how it feels to be zapped by lightning.

"Don't be, she's very kind towards her comrades." Rias reassures her pawn.. Though Akeno's constant electrocution and sadistic laughing wasn't helping in the slightest.

After some more zapping, Akeno calmed down. It was a miracle the stray didn't die yet, though Akeno probably ensured it wouldn't by dialing her attacks down a bit. 

How scary.

Arthas was poking the smoking charred body with Frostmourne. "Hm.. Stray Barbeque." He comments as Koneko just nods. "Could go for some right now." Replied the white haired Rook.

Rias began walking towards the badly beaten Stray, and as Arthas and Koneko knew that she was about to finish this, they stepped back. 

The Redhead beauty raises her hand towards the Stray. 
"Any last words?" She asked.

The stray could only utter one thing. "Please.. kill me.."

How pitiful.

"Then disappear." Rias cruelly replied.


A giant sphere of crimson red appeared from Rias' hand accompanied by a bass boosted sound effect. Her and his brother, along with her mother's side of the family's specialty magic. Destruction. Plain and simple.

The giant magic ball of death consumed the Stray Devil, and just as she said, the charred body completely disappeared without a trace.

"Phew, it's over. Good work everyone." Rias says with a smile.

Some mild cheering within the peerage for a job well done. But Issei still has a question, and raised his hand like a student would when asking a question to a teacher.

"Then.. what's my piece?" He said with some naïve hope in his voice.

"A pawn, Issei. You're a pawn." Rias says casually, shattering the boy's hopes as he realizes that he's the lowest in the rank.

But little did he know, he too was destined to be a King someday.

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