Chapter 5

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It was the dead of night, with only the cold night breeze and the noise of crickets to accompany the two Devils walking across the street.

"Say,  Arthas.. not that I don't appreciate the help, but I can handle myself you know? It's just a contract." Issei said to the blonde Knight, who only sighed in response.

"Issei, your last contracts were an amusing fail. I'm here to ensure you actually do things correctly." He answered sternly. "Besides, Fallen Angel activity seems to be rising nowadays, and considering how you almost got exorcised by one on a nightly stroll, its best if you had someone accompany you."

The two Gremory Devils were on their way to client's house, more specifically, Issei's client. Since the Pawn had failed his first and second contracts, the Death Knight is here to ensure it does not happen a third time.

"Hey Arthas?" Issei asked rather melancholy. This didn't go unnoticed.


"Do you think.. do you think I can still be a powerful high ranking Devil? Even if I got reincarnated as a Pawn?" Issei asked with his head down. Arthas mentally sighed in worrisome at the sight of the brunette beating himself down.

He didn't knew why Rias didn't tell Issei how a Pawn worked as an Evil Piece. Perhaps to tease him a bit, or to see how he would react to being reincarnated as a Pawn. But to him it was doing more harm than good.

"Ever played Chess?" He asked, answering the Pawn's question with a question.

"I'm no Grandmaster Chess player, but yeah." Issei answered, confused as to where this was going.

"Now, can you tell me what the Pawn piece does in a game of chess?" Arthas asked another question, wanting Issei to discover the answer himself with some help.

"Well.. A Pawn can move two tiles forward if it is their first move, and afterwards can only move one tile forward, and can only eat pieces that are one tile diagonal to them." He answered with a hand on his chin. "And if the pawn reaches the other end of the chessboard, it becomes.." A sudden realization hit him.

Arthas smiles at this.

"Wait.. does.. does that mean.. as a Pawn, I can turn into one of the other pieces apart from the King?!" He asks excitedly, a large contrast to his previous mood.

Arthas nods. "Basically, yes. In a rating game, a Pawn can promote themselves as either Knight, Rook, Bishop, or even Queen should they meet certain conditions, which, mostly, is to reach the enemy King's territory within the rating game." The blonde knight explains.

Issei laughs enthusiastically, and fist pumps the air. "Alright! I knew I wasn't just cannon fodder!"

The two Gremory Devils continued talking until they reached their destination. "Looks like we're here." Issei walks up to the door with Arthas in tow. He rings the doorbell, but no answer.

He then realizes that the entrance door was slightly open. "Huh.." Arthas noticed this as well. The two locked eyes and nodded. Something felt suspicious about this. Arthas opened the door and took the lead with Issei in tow. They enter the eerily silent house. 

The house was pitch black, and there was only one room that had the faintest light. Meanwhile the only sound was their own breathing and the scent of iron.

Blood. Arthas guesses that is the reason why he couldn't sense any human presence in the building. It was quite alarming. 

He turns to Issei and whispers. "I smell blood. Be careful, try not to make any loud sounds." The brown haired teenager simply nodded in agreement, while swallowing the lump in his throat. Now he knows why he felt very uneasy since the moment he entered the house.

They make a turn into the living room. Everything seemed normal.

That is, apart from the corpses that was nailed onto the wall across them, upside down. More specifically, this corpse was crucified upside down, just like how St. Peter requested to be crucified upside down as he did not felt like he deserved to die in the same way Christ did.

Arthas furrows his eyebrows and frowns, while Issei look horrified and covered his mouth in shock and disgust, eventually throwing up as he sees the guts and organs of the corpse begin to spill out from the multiple wounds across the dead body.

Arthas simply pats his back as Issei ejects his stomach's contents. 

Arthas then noticed a writing on the wall painted with blood, presumably from the same man who was crucified dead in front of the two Devils.

"What the..." Arthas then suddenly turns around, Frostmourne flashing into existence in his right hand. 

Why? Because there was a man behind them, smiling — no, grinning madly. 

""Punishments for those who did bad deeds!" Is what that says, borrowed it from some important guy." The suspicious man exclaims.

Issei was startled and backed away while wiping off some of the vomit left on his lips.

The third person in the room was a young male with snow white hair that almost reaches his shoulders.  He was slightly androgynous in appearance, and wore a cleric outfit underneath a white coat. His crazed blood red eyes stared at the two devils with pure malice.

"Hmm hmm well if it isn't a pair of devils! I was expecting to only catch one, but I guess lady luck has smiled upon me!" He shouts gleefully, which got on Arthas' nerves. 

"Who the hell are you? Are you the one who killed this man?" Arthas asked as he got into a stance with Frostmourne gleaming in the dark, as the temperature of the room started decreasing. 

"Why of course I did! The name is Freed Sellzen, an exorcist, but please don't bother introducing yourselves. I don't want to remember the names of filthy devils!" 

"Why did you do it?" 

"Because he committed a grave sin by summoning a devil! Er well, DevilS!" He puts emphasis on the "S" part of the last word of the sentence.

"The hell kinda bullshit is that?! Aren't priests or exorcists only supposed to kill Devils? Why take the life of an otherwise innocent human person?!" Issei snaps at the crazy exorcist. 

Freed was about to rebut, but Arthas wasn't in the mood to listen whatever justifications this crazy priest had to say about why he did the right thing by killing an innocent person. 

With two large steps, he was within striking range, bringing down Frostmourne with an overhead cleave. Freed's eyes widen as he barely managed to react in time, pulling out a sword handle with no blade, until a beam of light protruded from the weapon's guard, like some kinda knock off lightsaber.

Using the light sword, the exorcist managed to block the overhead cleave that struck down. His right leg bends as to avoid losing balance and getting struck down due to the sheer strength of the Death Knight.

Freed had a panic look, mentally cursing the Fallen Angel he was working with who said that the target Devil was just a recently reincarnated weakling. He was not expecting there to be a second, more powerful Devil. 

After pushing the exorcist down on one knee, Arthas uses his right leg to give Freed a good kick in the face, launching him back and making him hit his back on the wall. 

Grunting in pain, Freed pulls out a handgun and pulls the trigger. There was no sound, but the gun did shoot out something. Bullets of light. Arthas managed to react fast enough thanks to his speed, block them all with Frostmourne.

While Freed was panting and wearing a pained expression, Arthas was calm and focused, glaring down at the crazed priest.

"Looks like you're all bark and no bite." Arthas throws an insult to Freed, whom clearly did not take a liking to it. He did not like the idea that a filthy devil was talking down on him like this. 

Freed got up and was ready for round 2. That is until they were stopped by a young feminine voice. 

"Please stop!" 

"Huh?" Issei turns towards the source, and Freed looks past Arthas, the latter not taking his eyes off Freed but is paying attention to the voice and presence of the fourth person to arrive. 

"Asia? Is that you?" Issei asks in surprise.

"Asia? The same Asia we helped?" Arthas asked surprised, but still not taking his eyes off Freed in case the latter tries to get in a cheap free shot on the Death Knight, a chance he is not taking just to look at the nun he and Issei helped and possibly befriended, though he wasn't sure on that part.

"Yeah... that same Asia." 

Freed cackles. "Well well well, if it isn't my little assistant, Asia! Did you finish setting up that barrier like I told you?"

"I— AHH! N-NO!" Asia screamed and was petrified as she saw the upside down crucified corpse on the wall, the same one the duo devil saw upon setting food in the living room. 

"Ahh~ Such music to my ears!~" Freed licks his lips upon hearing the nun's scream. "Look carefully Asia, that's what we do to those who works with devil scum like these two!"

Asia covers her mouth with her hand. "No..." She then turns to Issei and Arthas. "Wait... these people...." She trails off as she feels her heart sinking. 

"Ise-san... Arthas-san... Are... Devils?" Asia asked with hitched breath and disbelief clear in her voice.

"Huuuhh? What's this? You know these two? Ha! What a surprise! " Freed looked like he was getting a kick out of Asia's reactions.

"Humans and Devils can't coexist! Especially Humans from the Church and the Devils, they are our biggest enemies!" The mad exorcist readies his lightsword and gun, yet still looked at Asia as he continues to speak. 

"You and I are heretics deserted by God, we can't survive without the support of our Fallen Angel friends, so we can't let them down by refusing to mow down his filthy scums!"

Arthas slightly flinches at the information. This exorcist was working with those Fallen Angels, possibly Asia too but Arthas feels like she didn't mean any ill will, or perhaps didn't know any better. 

"Pot calling the kettle black, Freed." The Death Knight quips. "And I have heard enough of your rant you mad exorcist. Die!"  The blonde knight charges at the albino exorcist in a burst of speed. Freed with his inhumane body intercepted in his own, albeit lesser, burst of speed. 

Frostmourne clashes with the light sword, the blade beginning to flicker due to the pressure Frostmourne was bearing on it. Freed clicks his tongue. He wanted to use his gun, but he had to use two of his hands otherwise Arthas would easily break his guard and squash him through brute force. 

Right before the solidified light that made up the blade broke, Freed pulls off a Trakata from Star Wars and deactivates the blade of light as he quickly moves to the side, causing Arthas to fall forward.

Freed took this chance to quickly draw out his gun to shoot at the Death Knight at point blank range with light bullets, planning to turn him into swiss cheese.

Unfortunately for the mad exorcist, Arthas regains his balance and blocks all the light bullets with Frostmourne, the projectiles of light shattering into tiny fragments upon impact on the Runeblade. 

"Dammit!" Freed cursed out before getting body slammed to the wall, making him cough as he slids down and sat on his ass, head slumped as he breathes heavily. Arthas was a lot bigger than him, and physically stronger. Faster too. 

Freed loses to the blonde Death Knight in both strength and speed. Everything in fact. 

Then again, Arthas was trained from a young age by two well known individuals. A strong dwarven warrior, and a legendary Paladin. 

And as if the exorcist wasn't already facing enough difficulty with one Devil, a magic circle appeared in the room. A familiar one. Out came the Gremory Peerage. Well, most of them. A certain vampire isn't here as usual. 

"Ara ara~ This is quite the situation you two boys got yourselves into." Akeno spoke up as Kiba and Koneko step up besides Arthas, the fellow knight readying his own sword in hand while Koneko raises her fist, all three glaring down at the priest. 

"Great timing you guys." Arthas says with a smirk. This priest is done for.

Rias walks over to Issei to ensure he was unharmed. "Ise, are you alright? Forgive me, I did not expect that there was a stray priest here in your client's house." She says with clear worry in her voice and expression. Although it was out of her control, she still felt responsible that her new member got into a very bad situation.

She was just glad that Arthas volunteered to accompany Issei this time, otherwise something worse could have happened. A thought she could not bare to imagine. 

Arthas, Kiba, and Koneko move away a big to let Rias through, allowing her to stare down at the stray priest that dared mess and endanger her dear Pawn. 

"So... I take it that you had planned to exorcise my cute servants?" Rias asked with venom and rage in her voice. 

"Hah! Obviously—"


 Freed barely managed to sidestep, narrowly dodging a red sphere of destruction curtesy of the Princess of Destruction herself, whom was very clearly pissed. 

It managed to still graze Freed's side, causing immense pain as he grits his teeth while barely being able to stand up. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! That hurts you bitch!"

Poor choice of words, as Arthas quickly dispatched one of Freed's arm causing it lop down while a stream of blood gushes out, then in the same breath, cut off the stray priest's vulgar tongue. 

Freed could only gargle scream as he falls on his knees.

"Watch your mouth. I won't let you disrespect my King like that, scum." Arthas calmly but furiously said.

"Buchou, we have a problem!" Exclaims Akeno. "I am sensing multiple Fallen Angel signatures, we have to leave. Now." 

Rias nods. "I see. Prepare the teleportation, then let's go."

Issei then looks at the still shaken up Asia. "Wait... we have to take her too!"

"I'm sorry Ise, but only me and my servants can use this magic circle to teleport." Rias says solemnly to the brown haired boy, who looks defeated upon hearing that.

"N-no... Asia!"

"Ise-san... let's meet again—  W-whaa!" Asia's sad and heartfelt farewell was interrupted by Arthas suddenly hoisting her up on his shoulder. 

Rias, already knowing what he was up to, frowned. "Arthas... no."

"Arthas yes." The Death Knight responded, almost like a child. "I'm not just gonna leave her here. You guys go ahead, I'll run back on foot. I'm the fastest and strongest here, so I'll be fine."

Rias gritted her teeth. Her Knight's most admirable trait is also the one that causes her the most headaches. However, she did not have the time as the Fallen Angels were already nearing. She'll just have to deal with him and his antics later when he gets back.

"Fine! But don't you dare get caught by those Fallens! If you do, I'll destroy you!" She says sternly, saying the last part a bit satire. 

Arthas only smirks. "Heh.. Yes ma'am." 

With that, Rias and the rest of the peerage present save for Arthas was teleported back to the ORC. 

"Asia, hold on tight. I'm gonna get you to safety, alright?" Arthas tells the nun on his shoulder, who nods in response. "Y-yes!"

Arthas then lunged out the window, breaking the glass and making sure to shield Asia from the shards while easily bouncing off the ones that fell on him since he was physically strong enough to do so.

As he lands outside, he could see the many Fallen Angels arrive and surround him. One particular Fallen that seemed to be the ring leader spoke up. "Drop the girl Devil, and I promise you that you'll get a painless death!" 

Arthas only grins. "Nah, Imma do my own thing."

"Ring of Frost!"

As the Death Knight's voice reverberates, a large magic circle that glowed an icy cerulean appears, before unleashing a large gust of frost and wind outward, freezing all of the Fallen Angels that surrounded him before, causing them to fall to the ground, effectively incapacitating them.

Arthas took this moment to immediately start sprinting away at breakneck speed, making full use of his Knight piece. However, to add more speed, he activates another spell he learned.

"Unholy Aura!"

With the same reverberating voice, a reddish orange glowing aura appears around the Death Knight, granting him even more speed. 

A group of four Fallen Angels are closing in on his right, possibly reinforcement that wasn't caught in his frost attack earlier. 

They readied their spears of light, raising them as to threw it at him like javelins.
But Arthas was quicker as he raised Frostmourne at them with his right arm, while his left firmly holds Asia who was holding onto the Death Knight for dear life.

"Death Coil!"

Arthas chanted, causing Frostmourne to be quickly envelope in a murky dark green aura that screams of death. From it shot four bolts of a transparent light green skull that left a trail of deathly green mist. The bolts of death hit their target before they could launch their attack, causing them to plummet down to the ground. If the Death Coil didn't finish them, the height probably did. 

"DAMN DEVIL! I'LL SKEWER YOU!" Shouted a feminine voice. Arthas quickly turns his head to see the same Fallen Angel from earlier that threatened him with a quick death in exchange for Asia. 

Arthas simply turns back on the road. He can faintly see the silhoutte of the campus where the ORC was. Arthas took a deep breath and prepared another spell, but not before switching Asia from his shoulder to his arms as he sheathes Frostmourne to his hip using his belt that was modified to be able to hold Frostmourne.

Arthas brings Asia close to his chest as he holds the back of her head with a hand, causing the nun to blush with how close she was to his chest. Then, he finally casted his next spell.

"Death's Advance!"

Arthas gains another burst of speed, creating a shockwave from the sudden burst in speed. He could almost break the sound barrier, which would reach Mach 1. This burst of speed also allowed him to dodge the barrage of light spears that were aimed to maim him. 

Asia yelped from the speed, but handled it very well thanks to Arthas repositioning her.

From that distance, Arthas could hear the quickly fading scream of the Fallen Angel leader, making grin.

Not long after, he arrived at the front of the campus, easily jumping over the wall and making his way to the building of the ORC, where everyone was waiting outside. 

Arthas lets Asia down once he arrives to where they are.

"Thanks, Arthas-san..." The nun thanked the Death Knight, whom nodded in acknowledgement. "Of course." 

"Asia!" Issei ran towards the nun and hugged her tightly, the latter blushing as she returns the hug. "I'm so glad you're safe!" Asia simply patted his back with a smile and teary eyes.

"Ara ara~ what a sweet moment~" Akeno comments with a heartwarming smile, an expression everyone but Koneko wore, as she still sported her usual stoic face. Though the corner of her lips did curve a bit. 

The two then part from their hug, as Issei went to Arthas. "Hey man, thanks a lot. Honestly I wouldn't know what to do if Asia was just left there with those Fallen scum so... I owe you one. Big time."

The Death Knight nods with a smile. "You're welcome Issei. I couldn't leave her there either after all."

Rias then clasps her hands. "Alright everyone, its getting late so why don't we all head inside." She turns to Arthas, hands on hips with a frown. "And you still need to be punished for your reckless behavior." Then her face softens with a smile. "After you are rewarded for it. Honestly, you are such a piece of work."

Everyone heartedly laughs as they all went inside the old school building where the ORC takes place in.


And that's a wrap! Sorry for the long update, wasn't feeling very motivated and I was busy trying to make sure I pass this year. Which I did! Woohoo!

I'm not too familiar with the Death Knight skill tree, but I did my best. And yes, I know Ring of Frost is a mage spell, but I thought it'd be neat if Arthas could use Frost spells as well with Frostmourne having Frost in its name and all.

I am also following the light novel of High School DxD rather than the anime, since it wasn't very true to the source material and whatnot. So if you notice certain differences that isn't related with Arthas interfering with the plot, you know why.

Until next time!

For The Lich King   [DxD X WoW]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ