Chapter 3

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A funny little situation has happened overnight. Issei managed to get himself into a rather funny situation. While Arthas found the situation at hand rather funny, his King was massaging her temples  at the situation. Not mad, just.. confused.

Issei was sent on his first contract mission after he was briefed on him being a Devil and what being  a Devil meant. But not only did they discover that he had less demonic magic than a baby devil thus not enabling him to use the teleport circle, but he also failed to make the contract with the client because he ended up having a childish imagination fight with an adult man all night long.

Anyone would either feel pity or just laugh at last part.

Arthas was the latter, as you can see.

"This was the first time this has ever happened." Arthas laughed a bit. It was quite the funny situation for him. Eventually he stopped and cleared his throat as Rias sighed.

Although the contract failed, the leaflet in which the client would rate the service indicated that they were happy. They never encountered a failed contract where the client was happy with the service provided.

The whole imagination fight is a different conversation though, one that Arthas still finds hilarious and will most likely remind Issei of this incident from time to time for a good laugh.

Although Issei, who was on the floor doing a dogeza for his failure, had failed to make the contract, Rias smiled at him.

"Although this is certainly unprecedented and that you failed as a Devil, you made the client happy. You certainly are an interesting boy."

She gave the newly reborn Devil a gentle pat on the head, like how an owner would pet their dog for being good. 

"But do remember the basics of being a Devil. I'll let this one slide for now, but please make sure to accomplish your next contract properly, alright?" Rias said, her gentle side calming Issei's nervousness from failing miserably.

It was a trait Arthas liked about his master, but was worried that she was being way too gentle with her servants. 

"A King must be both strict and gentle, prideful yet humble, stand higher than their subordinates, but understands them. They must maintain that balance to be a true, righteous King. You must follow these virtues my son as you are my one and only heir."

The advice of his father rang into his head. He felt a tug in his heart as he fist clenched tightly. He felt a mix of emotions and was lost in thought for a while, until he was brought back to reality.

Rias had clapped her hands. "Alright, that concludes our meeting for the day. Have a safe trip back home everyone!"

And with that, everyone left to go back home.

The next day, Issei failed another contract, and the situation had once again made Arthas laugh but also rather disappointed in the boy. It would have been only the latter, but the the way he failed somehow ended up being more funny than the first contract he failed.

Right now, he was walking aside the new Devil as they started heading back home after their club activity ended, which is associated with their contracts most of the time. Although the brunette's perversion still leaves a nasty taste on the Death Knight's tongue and his track record so far is quite terrible, he had grown fond of him through the funny situations he finds himself in.

Besides, it seems like they'll be working alongside each other for a long time, so its best to get along. Camaraderie is crucial in a peerage, less it will falter against a well-built one. And he also hopes he can change him for the better, and that his patient and experience may rub off on him.

As Issei's senior in terms of as a Devil, it is his right to dream isn't it?

"I seriously cannot believe the kind of situations you get yourself in." Arthas commented as they made their way through the peaceful town of Kuoh.  "Your true innate ability perhaps?" The Death Knight enjoyed poking fun at his fellow peerage member.

"Oh shut it you!" Issei complained with a grumpy expression. He really hated getting weird clients and end up failing the contract. Twice. In a row.

Then the two Devils heard a thud behind them, followed up by a small scream one would make if they fall or accidentally stab themselves at the corner of a table. 

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