chapter 2

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The next morning, you woke up at dawn around 6 in the morning. It had kind of became a routine for you since Leo always needed to be in her classroom early to prepare her class and stuff. It was your duty to wake her up every morning since she wasn't a normal early waker like you. Your girlfriend actually quite liked to sleep and you had to help her a little every morning not to your displeasure thought. Today however, you made a little exception since you found yourself enjoying being in Leo's arms quite a lot and wanted to look at your love while she slept a little. She was literally adorable not that you would say that to her because she would strangle you...Anyway, Leonora Lesso sleeping was like Watching an angel. She looked so peaceful and calm and that was something that wasn't happening a lot when awake. Her curly red hair was literally all over her face and you found yourself placing them gently behind her ear and playing with them a bit. You knew Leo would eventually wake up because of it, she liked it so much. She always was the first one to tell you how it relaxes her. Sometime it was how you were waking her, that accompanied with some kisses of course and you decided that this morning was one of them. Your eyes landed on her lips and you looked entranced for a moment silently. One of your hands softly landed on Nora's cheek after that and gently caressed the pearly skin. Your face came unconciously closer to hers and the same for your body, making both of you pressed against each other. The friction made you whimper and close your eyes for a second. God it was feeling so good but you stayed calm and just pressed your lips to hers at first. However, after a little instant you felt lips move against your reciprocating. A smirk covered your occupied lips and you cling to Leonora that was now apparently awaken. Then after getting what you desired and needed form your lover you parted and your eyes fell on hers. With a cute smile you spoke to her softly.

Well, good morning sleepy head.

The only answer you receive from Leo was a groan and her arms tightening their grip around your waist to make sure you stayed there. That was just telling you your girlfriend wanted to sleep more and wasn't agreeing with you waking her up.

Mhh baby you have to wake up now, we slept enough you have class in the morning and I have to.

Leo mumbles something under her breath and just hid her head against her pillow like a child. While doing that, the dean of evils grip loosened around your waist and you took that opportunity to escape her and try to leave the bed. Yet before you had the chance to do that, she caught up to your intemt and took you back in her arms, making a little yell of her name escape your lips.

Where did you think you were going hum my little princess. She said smirking while laying kisses everywhere between your shoulder and neck. Her eyes landed on her work from the night you spent together the day before and she bit her lips with satisfaction.

Hum maybe I should have been more gentle with the bruises, I don't know if your going to be able to hide them and even less if they will be gone for the ball...

Her words made memories of last night came back to memories and worry suddenly covered your mind. Your eyes widen and you struggled out of Leo's grip determined to go see the result in the bathroom mirror.

Understanding what you were trying to do, the red head let you go off her arms and stood up following you gently. She was desperately trying to hide the smile she had on her lips. After all she was proud of her hard work on you, she always liked it when time came to leave marks on you. The two of you walked to the bathroom and when you were standing still in front of the mirror, Leonora's arms placed themselves around your waist naturally. You looked at your reflection more attentively, neck, shoulder and your lips opened slightly. No sound got out of them for a while. Your neck was a mess, their was purple and pink everywhere and it looked like you had an accident that was pretty severe. Your fingers were grazing delicately at the sensible skin and even with that much delicacy you wince at how it was painful. It was really the first time Nora went that far with the marks. You suspected that it was because of how posessive she felt earlier but still...she went quite hard this time. Yes you were defenetly worried about how you'll hide all of this later. Yet, even seeing your current state you simply couldn't be mad at leo for it. You liked it when she was leaving love bite on you, marking you has hers.

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