y/n are you even listening to me?

Your eyes landed on the brown one of Alissa and you smiled at her with an apologetic expression on. Your felt guilty to be that unconciderate of her but honestly talking about the ball was making the mater quite worst honestly.

Sorry lisa, im not quite myself today. This whole ball thing is stressing me out and...

Your voice this time came in a wisper to your friend to make sure nobody but her hear what you had to say. After all, Alissa was the only person apart from you and leonora that knew about your relashionship.

I havent seen nora today yet...i really want to ask her to acompany me to the ball but im scared. I dont know if she is going to be open about the idea.

After hearing you out your friend send your way an understanding smile before taking your hands in hers and giving it a squeeze.

Dont worry y/n i'm sure she's going to be here soon, afterall teachers have a lot to do in the school so shes probably just late. And for the other statement she would be crazy not to say yes to you. I mean look at you.

The both of you giggle at the same time and smiled at each other lovingly.

And well, if she decides to say no....I'll be there to go with you i promess.

Your cheeks blushed slighly at your best friend's words, and you smiled shyly. Alissa was sometime flirty with you like that and it was funny to say the least but this time you felt really touch for her offer not that you would need it of course but still.

Thank you Ali...,However, aren't you already invited by anyone?

Your friend at the mere insinuation that you could think she was alone roll her eyes and gave you an " are you serious look" before laughing.

Of course I'm taken! I mean i think since the panic about the Ball started, ten guy came to ask me out. Its pretty funny I haven't said yes to any of them yet but I'm thinking about going with Sebastian.

We really like each other and everyone says that we are making a perfect couple what do you think.

You smiled at your friend and nod to her.

Yes I think Seb is a good choice he is really cute and literally all the girls are running after him...so you'll be the one to look at to the ball if you go with him. Andd well because I know how much you like to be the center of attention I think you'll like that...

Not even a second later you received a hard punch to your shoulder and a laugh from your friend.

Fuck you y/n!

What we both know that's true Ali.

Your friend smirk and suddenly her eyes went wide and she took your arm and shook it like to make you look at something.

LOOK!! Your girlfriend's here!

The second your mind understood what your friend said you felt your body tense for a second and your respiration stop. You panicked a little before looking at the brunette in front of you and giving her a death glare.

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