3. A Part Where Maira Turns Him Down

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Maira Pov:

Abeer: Class at four in the evening.

I got Abeer's text the first thing in the morning.  A large beam took on my face. Since our ice cream date, I hadn't seen him or heard from him.

He is serious with his studies and that's why I didn't poke him for the past few days. But he kept sending the pdf of his first-year notes. He knew what would happen next in the labs, dissection hall, and lectures...based on that he kept supervising me through texts.

Because of him, my performance increased way more in my batch. Soon the talk came as I am the Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.

As usual, our first half of the day started with the dissection. My professor asked the first question as soon as he began the class on the body lying half-ripped and up-turned in front of us.

"Anyone explain me Brachial Plexus?" There was only my hand raised up in the air with enthusiasm.

"Dr. Maira!" My professor smiled and nodded. "Yes."

I recalled what I read last night. The view of the beautiful diagram of the Brachial plexus popped into my head. I initiated, "The brachial plexus is formed by the anterior primary rami of C5 through T1 and provides sensory and motor innervation of the upper extremity. The brachial plexus is divided..." I explained what I remember from the last night.

"Excellent. Dr. Maira. Can you now trace the nerve innervations on the cadaver?" He teased me. If he was not in his sixties, I would have blushed. Then. I looked at the cadaver.

Baby girl, if you want to gain practical knowledge then you have to learn it on cadaver. I recalled Abeer's words when we went on an ice cream date.

I used two masks now to prevent the smell from entering my nose and I was already wearing the gloves.

C5 to T1 I counted the vertebrae and showed him the course.

"Good!" He appreciated me and spoke to the remaining class, "Now everyone come and show me the course like your colleague!

"Maira!" Krish gave me a hi-fi. 

"Girl, you rocked it today!" Siya commented. I made friends with Krish and Siya on our first day. Krish had similar thoughts regarding medicine. He wanted to become a musician but his father forced him to do medicine. But Siya was studious. She said that becoming a doctor was her childhood dream.

"So, how did you study it?" Siya pried. She always sounds curious.

"Her parents and even her brother is a doc...so it's obvious any of them might have taught her," Krish responded on my behalf. But none of them had the idea that it was Abeer's hard work. Yet I had to keep my mouth shut as Abeer didn't want me to share his notes with anyone.

As the clock struck four in the evening I made my way to the library.

And then to the last rack of the books. He sent me the exact location of his this afternoon. There were only a few desks over there and rather Abeer there was no one at that place. For a moment my instincts said that Abeer intentionally selected that place for more privacy.

Ehem! I cleared my throat and saw the most handsome Abeer in glasses and messy hair. I had to give tons of refraining commands to my hand from touching his silky, black hair. "I know, I need a haircut," he apprehended, responding to my thoughts. 

"But I like this messy look of yours."

"Then I should definitely have a cut."

"Then go bimboo." I spat at him. I slammed on the chair and whirled with happiness along with the chair. "I am so happy.."

Doctor's Crazy Desire: Her Replaced Groom Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz