Chapter 4

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After the conversation with the general Shaurya was at unease.He didn't knew why he felt like he should not get the princess married to that old king Ajay afterall he was a manwhore but he knew not to interfere in such things.He also reminded himself to meet this princess tomorrow about whom he has recently discovered.While thinking this his thoughts went back to the girl whom he had seen in the Public meeting room he could not see her properly but he knew that she was beautiful and wanted to meet her.He was brought out of his thoughts when he walked towards the window of his new quarters.

He saw a beautiful lady sitting in the garden and playing with squirrels.She seemed like the same lady he had seen earlier.He wanted to get a closer look and was thinking about going to the garden but saw another lady approach her.He could not hear properly what they were talking about but from the expressions and body language he could understand that the other lady was trying to convince the beautiful lady to go with her and soon he saw both of them leave.Now he was even more curious as to who this beautiful lady was.She must be a maid he thought remembering the clothes she was wearing but her beauty was far more than that of a maid.

He had made up his mind to get to know about this lady tomorrow ,with this thought in mind he went to sleep.

When he woke up he decided to give himself a quick tour of the palace and decided to go to the garden first where he had seen the beautiful lady yesterday.

Kritika's pov

She was hardly awake when Nandini entered her room and told her to get ready as today it was the festival of colours holi. Nandini knew that holi is kritika's favourite festival so she had made up her mind to play holi with her.

Kritika woke up quickly when she heard holi and ran to the bathroom to get ready and play holi when she came out after taking a bath she told nandini 'Nandini it's time we should start playing holi' but before she could say anything else Nandini put colour on her cheeks

'Nandini you put colours on me now I am going to drench you in water' she spoke teasingly to her friend and ran behind her with a bucket of water.She passed through corridors and saw her friend descending down the stairs so he through the bucket of water from first floor without realising that somebody else was standing there.

Meanwhile Shaurya unaware of this was standing on the stairs looking at the beauty of garden when he realised that somebody had thrown water on him.He was beyond angry and thinking about punishing the one who threw it but when he looked up he saw a beautiful female clad in red lehenga and her veil was on her forehead looking at her with wide eyes.

Kritika ran as soon as she realised that she had thrown water on somebody else and she could be punished.Shaurya was amused and ran behind her to catch her he could not believe his luck that the same lady he wanted to meet yesterday was here and that too played holi with him and now he was determined to catch her.

While he was running behind her he saw that her veil had slipped from her forehead and was lying there on the ground he quickly picked up the veil and ran behind her.He could see her back but it was covered with her hair which covered all the view for him.

He could see her back but it was covered with her hair which covered all the view for him

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Kritika was terrified and could hear that the person whom she drenched was following her.Shr could not believe that she was so careless that she threw entire bucket of water on the poor guy.She even wanted to apologise but knew that if she stopped now she would be punished so she kept running to her room.

As soon as shaurya saw her entering a quarter he knew the chase would end.He entered the quarter after her and saw that she was trying to find a place to run but could not find any so he stopped running and slowly walked to her.With evey step he took forward the lady was taking a step back and when finally her back hit a pillar he knew he had to catch her ,he quickly put his hands on both sides of the pillar to stop her from escaping.

Kritika knew if she didn't do anything quickly she would be doomed so she started 'I am sorry I didn't know it was you standing there I thought it was my friend nandu' she wanted to speak more but decided against it when the man took out veil from her pocket and put it on top of her head.He then did what she couldn't have imagined

He lightly put some colour on either side of her cheek and started backing off after giving her a cheeky smile and while leaving her quarter spoke 'Burra naa maano holi hai' (Don't be angry it's the festival of colors) to which she could not stop herself from smiling.She was still smiling when she saw nandini enter her quarters.

'I can't believe kritika you couldn't catch me,normally you are so fast but today I won' she laughed.Kritika too smiled to it but could not understand why her friend didn't run behind her to apply her colors.

'Kritika are you okay.You seem to be daydreaming' ' No I am alright' Kritika answered quickly but she could not forget the man who had colored her and smiled cheekily to her.She wanted to meet him and realised that she had never seen him before which meant that he belonged to the new King's army.

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