Chapter 2

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Kritika woke up early morning to collect flowers from the royal garden to put on Lord Krishna's idol but while she was leaning on the tree to collect flowers. Somebody grabbed her waist,she turned around with a jerk to look who was touching her.She saw a man in his 40s in royal attire looking at her with lust in his eyes.

'Who-who are you' she asked stuttering not liking the fact that a stranger was touching her without her permission and not leaving her despite her protests to get away .He grinned with a smile 'Don't shy away princess afterall I am your soon to be husband' She could not believe what he said.This man in his 40s claimed to be her future husband.

'King Ajay' she questioned in a low voice.He grinned at the fact that she finally recognised him.'Yes soon to be wife' he spoke happily.

'Why do you want to marry me King I have heard that you already have three wives' she spoke with courage still hoping that maybe this man really liked her and that there was more to him than the things she has heard but his answer broke this mirage of hers.

'I have wives but I do not like any of them I want a new wife to keep me company but don't worry I'll give you all the jewellery all the designer clothes that you want and in return I will take your virtue' he spoke laughing to himself.

'But king I have heard a rumour that you send your wives to brothel houses' she politely questioned.He laughed 'So what if I send them to brothel houses afterall what use they are hto me once I have fucked them atleast they get me good money'

Kritika was in a shock hearing his words and knew that she could not get married to him or her life would be worse .'But king I am very young and I do not want to marry you.You are very old as compared to me' she tried to make him understand as softly as she could.

'You meek girl how dare you call me old and tell me that you do not want to marry me ,your father has already fixed your marriage with me and moreover I like you that is why I won't send you to brothel house infact you are a dumb girl you need good beatings and then you'll do everything I'll ask you to " he laughed.This was the breaking straw for kritika she knew she had to escape him anyhow.She slapped him tight on his cheeks and used the distraction to her advantage to run away.But she could hear him threatening in the background that he will punish her for it and will return to take her with him after a month.

She ran as fast as she could, she knew she could not go to her room because he might come there so she ran to the most secure place she could think of and that was the temple attached to the royal garden.She locked the door as soon as she reacher there and rang the bell of the temple.

She sat near the idol and put her head on the feet of the idol and spoke'Oh mighty Krishna you always come to protect women you always punish the sinner I submit myself to you please protect me from King Ajay I do not want to marry him.I have never asked you for anything since I was born I always took care of you always prayed to you but today I ask you to save me from him and please send someone who would love me for myself and not leave me.Please mighty Krishna' she spoke crying

She did not know when she fell asleep beside the idol's feet but she was woken up when she heard someone knocking the doors of the temple.She hurriedly got up thinking that it might be the king who has come to punish her but then she heard Nandini's voice 'Kritika are you here please reply I am worried please say something if you here'

She heaved a sigh of relief and unlocked the door and clinged to nandini'Nandini you will not believe what happened'. Nandini knew something was definitely wrong otherwise the cheerful Kritika would never cry like this.She took her to her quarters and then kritika narrated her the whole incident that took place

By the end of the narration Nandini was fuming 'Kritika you can't marry that bastard we have to think of something you have to escape this marriage'.'I know nandini I am thinking of running away somewhere in a month,that king had said that he would come for me in a month' Nandini agreed and they both decided to further plan about it the other day

Shaurya's Pov

"King our army is ready to attack .Should we move forward" his commander in chief raghav asked rudra ."No first send a message to the king of Chattisgarh to either submit his kingdom peacefully or we will attack his kingdom and take it forcefully and if no response comes then tomorrow morning we attack" he spoke to raghav.

He entered his makeshift tent he had sworn to make his kingdom bigger and stronger but he was not the one to attack uninformed he always attacked and won by fair means not by barging in uninformed.He was a man of morals and knew that he could easily take over this kingdom it was a small kingdom but had various resources he could use them to make his kingdom more powerful.With this thought in mind he went to sleep.

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