011. The disaster of Taylor

Start from the beginning

The brunette held onto the side of the door, while Jeremiah had unfortunately got pushed against the back of her seat.

"Jesus christ." Lana huffed, redirecting herself back in her original position. "If you crash my car, i will crash you."


The three stood against the scorching concrete that was warmed by the sun. The city was full of tourists waiting to enter places the locals have been one to many times.

The bus came to a loud stop, it's wheels screeching.

"Twenty bucks she called you 'Jeremy' again." Belly giggled, pointing at Jeremiah as she nodded along with Lana.

"i don't...i think she learned from last time."

"you think?" Belly shrugged, waiting for Taylor to be the next to exit the bus. "That's how she flirts with you."

It was quite noticeable when Taylor exited the bus. She had a handful of balloons, and a bright smile. She gasped and ran to Belly to hug her, meanwhile Jeremiah and Lana stood awkwardly.

"Uh, here let me get your bag." He offered, grabbing the stripped tote bag from her shoulder.

"Thank you. You're such a gentleman, Jeremy."

"Of course." He bowed.

"It's Jeremiah, not Jeremy." Belly corrected her best friend.

"I like Jeremy better."

"Ready to head home?" Jeremiah asked, giving Lana a slight pleading look to agree with him.

Just as she was about to agree, Taylor spoke before. "Ooh, actually can we make a stop first?"

Belly was the only one to nod along happily, the other two not so happy.

The two knew how it went with Taylor. Once something was in her mind she wouldn't let go of it.

The last time Lana had visited Belly, they two had made plans for the week, making sure the spent every moment together. Instead Taylor got her way. She pushed through and made sure they spent the least amount of time alone like they had intended.

The brunette wasn't to mad about the stop Taylor made them take. They all ended up with banana spilts in front of them.

"mm, i live. I would literally eat this everyday if i could."

Taylor placed down her spoon, and picked up a gift bag, setting it in front of Belly. "Open your present."

Belly pulled out a bright purple bikini. Something the girl would never wear.

"I think it'll look so hot on you."

"Okay, Belly would never wear that." Jeremiah shook his head with laughter.

"Actually i really like it." Belly disagreed, thanking Taylor who sat beside her. "Thank you, Taylor."

"You're welcome." She smiled, digging back into her ice cream. "Okay, so, what's the plan for tonight? Where's the party?"

"Well, Susannah always plans a big lobster dinner." Belly excitedly answered.

"Boring, no." She rudely replied, rolling her eyes.

Lana narrowed her eyes at the ignorance. Very year that was tradition. Each one of their birthdays was celebrated by a famous Susannah dinner, no matter where they where.

"How is that boring?" The brunette tilted her head, feeling her shin being kicked from under the table.

"Okay grandma, let's go eat a lobster dinner for her sweet sixteen." Taylor laughed, finding her ice cream.

Lana clenched her teeth, fighting the urge to smash the banana up her nose. "You know you can go home, right?"

Just ad Taylor was going to counteract that comment, Jeremiah intervened. "Okay, let's not." He put hand between them, grinning sarcastically. "And Lana's right, it's not boring, it tradition."

Taylor sighed, attitude evident in her tone. "Don't you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age?"

"I am, your here."

"Hello? Are we invisible?" Jeremiah pointed between himself and Lana.

"And, i guess Steven."

"And Cams coming, too." Belly sheepishly said under her breath, hiding her tinted red face.

"Yay, i'm so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who."

"Taylor." Belly said with a straight face, giving her a warning.


Belly's head subtly nodded Jeremiah and Lana's way.

The blond inhaled deeply, feeling the tension deep in the air. "I have an idea." He proposed, shrugging his shoulders. "We could go to Nicoles big blowout at her place tonight. Maybe go after dinner?"

"Yes!" Taylor immediately agreed, loving the idea.

"Who's Nicole?" She asked Belly.

"She's one of the big sisters at the deb ball, she's really sweet." Belly proudly answered. "Right Lana?"

"Yeah, really sweet." Lana nodded along, knowing  Nicole can be a bitch at times.

"Ugh, i'm like melting right now." Taylor completely changed the subject into herself, jealously clear in her tone. "Can we go back to the house? I want to change into my bikini and jumó into the pool."

Lana felt herself wanting to shoot herself on spot. Every time she had to hear another rude comment or insensitive thing appear out of her mouth, the more it drove her crazy.

"Sure." Jeremiah mindlessly shrugged along.

"I call shotgun." She called, grabbing her bags.

"No you don't." Lana shook her head immediately. She was not going to drive with a two faced blonde beside her, saying things she knew would piss her off. And anyways Jeremiah was always shot gun in her car.

"Yeah, sorry Taylor. I'm always passenger in Lana's car." Jeremiah shrugged, ignoring Taylor's annoyed expression.


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