006. Hug of a lifetime

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[mentions and use of abuse, verbal abuse, and alcohol.]

AFTER BEING BEING BUSTED BY the police and sent back home, Lana and Trent were left with a night full or regret and dread.

Much to Laurel and the kids begging to the police officers let the Golding siblings be dropped off at the summer house, they refused.

Everyone in that house knew exactly what was headed their way when the siblings stepped foot into Xanas sight.

The officers claimed they needed to talk to the siblings actual parent.

"Yes sir, officer. It surely won't happen again." Xanas voice strained a faux motherly voice as she talked to the officers with Lana and Trent behind her.

"Have a good day ma'am."

"You too, sir."

Once the white pristine door was closed, all hell was broke loose.

"The fuck were you two thinking?" Her voice was eerily low yet calm.

The calm before the storm.

Xana dark eyes filled with rage while meeting Trent and Lana's eyes one by one. Her jaw and fists were clenched.

Chills traveled down Lana's spine, knowing whatever was next was not something nobody should ever have to go through.

Trent's hand slowly reached over Lana, bringing her behind him. Xana couldn't do anything to him and she knew it. He was the one with the upper hand due to his height and muscles.

But that never stopped Xana from her fits of rage that she let go onto the two.

Their mother slowly stalked forward, her black work boots scuffing against the linen wood floors.

"You know, it's sad you need your brother to protect you." She pouted, her lips frowning down.

"But I'm not surprised. You've always been a coward." Xana shook her head, letting a scoff escape her dry lips. "God, you're such a fucking mistake. No wonder your dad left you!"

"Mom, you're drunk, okay?" Trent put his hands in front of him, preventing her from coming any closer. "You need to just go lay down."

Lana couldn't sit there and let her mother degrade her anymore. But words couldn't leave her mouth. Her whole body shook with fear of her own mother.

"Look at you, to scared to say anything." Xana laughed in mockery of her own daughter.

With a deep breath, Lana turned around, not speaking a word or acknowledging her mother who still continued to laugh. She gripped onto the expensive metal railing of the staircase.

"Don't you turn away from me, bitch!" Before Trent could step in the way to protect Lana from the monster of a woman, she already beat him to her.

Xana grabbed the back of Lana's foots, forcing her body to fall forward onto the wood stairs that impacted her ribs like a ton of bricks.

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