001. The return of the three

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LANA COULDN'T WAIT FOR THE knock on her front door, June first. It was what she looked forward to the most. Seeing Jeremiah at her door, holding a new stuff animal that he always made sure to bring her from Boston so he could gift it to her.

Lana's heart jumped with joy when their special knock pounded against the front door. Her socked feet bounded against the wooden floor, rushing to make it down the flight of stairs as she hurried towards the white painted door with a reef full of summer nic nacs filling the round surface.

As she opened the door her eyes landed on the charming blond standing in front of her. Lana's eye lit up with excitement, leaving the inside of her home to be inside his warm arms. "Jere!" She squealed in excitement.

"Lana!" His arms held her tightly while keeping hold of the blue sparkly narwhals he'd gotten for the girl. Her legs wrapped firmly around his lower waist and her arms wrapped gently but lovingly around his neck.

Her head slowly left his shoulder when she heard the small sound of sniffing. Her face scrunched up when she noticed Jeremiah sniffing her shirt. "What are you doing?" She laughed, catching him off guard.

"Are you wearing a new perfume?" He asked innocently, giving her a sheepish smile. Jeremiah noticed her new ocean scent with a hint of floral.

"Yeah, it was a present Susannah gave me last year, figure I'd try it out. You like it?" Lana informed in as he gently placed her down onto the porch.

"Yeah it really matches you." He told her truthfully, leaning in to pinch her soft rosy cheeks as she swatted away his soft hands.

"Get your clammy hands away from me." She ruffled his nest of hair, causing him to act on the same motions she did previously when being pinched.

"I'm going to ignore that, and show you the stuff animal I got for you instead." Jeremiah pursed his lips at the girl who's eyes so gently looked up at him, making him loose his mind as he stared back at her.

Lana's eyes beamed in excitement as Jeremiah presented her a blue and sparkly narwhal. All in a matter of second the light died in her eyes. Lana heard the loud stomping coming down the newly polished wooden stairs. Trent wasn't home, meaning the only person that could be walking down those stairs and nearing the door was her mom.

Lana vastly shut the door, and dragged Jeremiah off her porch as fast as she could, before her mom made it to the door. Once she had finally dragged Jeremiah over to his driveway he stopped her, grabbing her shoulders, stopping the girl with panic in her eyes.

"Lana, what the hell?" Is what he was about to say until he say the brightness return back to her eyes, once she knew she was safe. So instead he kept his mouth closed and didn't question her behavior.

"Okay, now you can show me it." Lana laughed innocently, like she had no clue she just confused the hell out of him.

He shook his head out of the trance when she voiced her words. As she went back to normal he decided it would probably be best to do it to. He held the plushie behind his back, although he knew she had already seen it. "Okay but before I give this to you, you have to promise you'll name this one Jere."

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