004. Dinner and Maturity

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SUSANNAH INVITED THE GOLDING SIBLINGS over for their annual first day back at cousins dinner.

It was great food. Something neither siblings would refuse.

Lana never liked to show up somewhere undressed, even if it was just a dinner with friends. She found a way to express herself through clothes, and no matter what she found a way to do it.

The brunette wore a red floral dress with spaghetti strap. The length fell down mid thigh, flattering her curves and thighs.

Her slightly wet hair was done in two Dutch braids that Laurel begged Lana to let her do. The Asian woman promised it would look gorgeous on her, and like most times it did.

Bracelets scattered her wrist in a messy fashion, along with layered necklaces that were from all around.

Lana took a seat in between Belly and Laurel, happily eating the delightful food set in front of them. Manners came easy to the Golding girl, unlike the two immature teenage boys who sat beside her.

"Steven, I swear to God, if you look at that phone one more time, I'm putting it in the screen basket." Laurel scolded her son.

The warning Steven finally almost drove Lana into a fit of laughter, having to force herself to suppress it for later.

"It's just we wanna see your beautiful faces." Susannah used her usual charm to mediate the harshness that Laurel used. "Can dinner be a screen free zone? You know like the olden days?" She asked politely, twirling the wine in its glass around.

Steven didn't seem to listen or care, when his eyes stayed screwed to his screen. Looking at whatever was so captivating, that he couldn't listen to the sweetest woman on earth.

Lana never liked seeing disrespect to obviously nice people who actually tried. People always think it's cool to be rude, and have blatant disrespect to people who don't deserve it. Although when it came to the world of people who did deserve it, she was head on for the idea.

"Steven." Jeremiah widened his arms in disbelief, ripping the phone from his hands, standing up to throw the phone into the 'phone basket'.

"Dude are you kidding me?"

"Boom! Nailed it." The curly head enthusiastically cheered for himself with a proud smile. Trent high-fived his best friend from the chair beside him, building onto Jeremiah's ego.

"Okay, okay, okay, we get it, you've been working out." Steven joked, brining down Jeremiah's bragging.

"Oh, you're just jealous," Belly laughed at her brother with a smirk. "because Jere has a better body than you."

Lana choked on her Dr Pepper, taken aback from Belly's bold sentence. Laurel looked over in concern, gently patting the girls back. "You good, sweetie?" She asked in such a motherly tone.

"Yeah, I'm good." Lana justified, sending her a heart felt smile.

"Uh, no, actually, it's all about the lean look now." Steven argued back. "Otherwise you can't wear tailored suits."

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