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*Third POV*

"Lili! Lili! Hey Lili!", Luffy shouted trying to get her attention. All she wanted to do was sleep. But this annoying loud voice kept screaming in her ear. The girl was so close to body slamming him.

"Luffy...just leave her alone. She probably wants to sleep. She did have a long day yesterday.", Sabo said. As always he tried to defuse the situation. She calls him the peacekeeper. Well except for when he acts chaotic like the other two.

"But! I want to talk to her! I want to be friends with her!", Luffy whined. She had to remind herself that he was only seven years old. But good lord. He wouldn't shut up. "Luffy! Will you shut up already?! Just leave her alone. Come on! Im sick of waiting. We need to go out!", Ace scowled. Liliana wasn't exactly sure what to think of him yet. He was always scowling and glaring. What a edgy kid. She liked to call him emo.

"No way! I want her to come with us! Lili! Please join us! It will be fun!", Luffy said tugging on her sleeve. Liliana had enough. She abruptly stood up as the three boys looked at her curiously. They soon found themselves on the floor outside the room. And the door locked. Liliana kicked them out.

"I told you she didn't want to join us. Just give it up Luffy. Stop being so persistent all the time.", Ace sighed as they carried a giant alligator. "But i want her to be my friend! She seems fun!", Luffy pouted. "Why do you like her so much? We barely talked yesterday. And she hasn't said a word this morning. To be honest she is kinda boring.", Ace scoffed. "Well it was her first day Ace. Give her time to adjust Luffy. She might still be settling in. And Im sure she might be scared. Garp did just surprise adopt her then dropped her off to some random bandits. Just..let her get comfortable first.", Sabo said.

Liliana quietly swept the kitchen while the other bandits did other chores. Dadan started to favor the girl more. At least she was quiet and actually listened. That was until three demonic children ran through the front door. They threw the alligator at Dadan laughing and ran outside. Liliana just stared at the muddy footprints on the floor she just mopped. Her eye started twitching.

"Ahgh!? Lili! Why are you chasing us?!", Luffy screamed. The young girl chased after the three boys angrily with the mop in her hand. "Get back here! I just mopped the floors! Go clean up that mess!", she yelled.

Liliana sat at the table while Dadan cooked dinner. The three boys are scrubbing the mud off the floor. "Wow. You actually got them to listen?", Dadan said in shock.

"Lili is so scary..", Luffy whined with a bump on his head.

"Damn witch", Ace scoffed with a bump on his forehead.

"Just shut up and keep cleaning.", Sabo sighed with a bump on his cheek.

After dinner the three boys were thrown into the bathtub by Dadan. Liliana just waited for them to leave so she could bathe. She had to admit. They were pretty funny. She watched Dadan scream at them for getting water all over the floor. She started laughing when Luffy slipped. They sure were interesting. Maybe she could get used to this?

She wanted to take those words back so bad. Finally deciding to give in to the situation, she started opening up. But that caused the boys to drag her on their excursions. The scary ones too. So now the four kids are running from a giant tiger in the woods. "Why did I agree to go with you guys?!", Liliana screamed as she ran. "Because its fun!", Luffy laughed. "Its not!", she screeched.

After they lost the tiger they took a break. They all sat on rocks to catch their breath. "Is this a common thing?", Liliana asked. "Yeah. Especially with Luffy here. Its like he's a magnet for trouble. So we are always living recklessly.", Sabo smiled nervously. "Great.", Liliana sighed. "You scared? You gonna cry like a little girl?", Ace mocked. Of course he was still acting like a little ass.

"No i wont cry. And i am a little girl. So whats your point?", Liliana sassed back. Luffy just laughed at Ace. "Shut up! Stop laughing Luffy!", Ace yelled with a red face. They all spent hours going back and forth. Laughing, and just having fun. Liliana officially loved being here.

They all sat in the forest in s circle. On a wooden stump were three sake cups. "I stole this from Dadan. But. If you share a drink you can become brothers.", Ace said pouring the alcohol. "Brothers?! Really?!", Luffy smiled widely. "We might not be on the same ship when we become pirates. But this will bind us together as brothers! No matter where we are or what we do, nothing can break this bond! From today on, we are brothers!", they cheered. "Yeah!", Luffy and Sabo shouted. They all drank the sake.

Liliana just stared at them blankly waiting for them to notice. Sabo felt a chill down his spine at the aura she was producing. He yelped when she grabbed his shoulder. "No fair! What about me Ace?!", she whined as she shook Sabo back and forth. "Im not Ace!", Sabo said getting dizzy. "I want to be included too!", she pouted.

"Well how about you be our sister Lili?", Luffy smiled. "Yeah that works.", Sabo said. "Fine whatever you witch. You will be our sister.", Ace scoffed. He poured the drink into the cup and gave it to her. "From today on. You are our sister Lili.", he smiled. She drank the sake and coughed. "Eh?! Lili are you okay?!", Sabo asked. She fell on all fours and coughed. Luffy ran around screaming. "Oh no! Lili is dying!!", he cried. Ace just started laughing.

"Lili! What happened?! Are you okay??", Sabo asked as he pat her back. She shakily gave him a thumbs up. "I choked on the sake...", she said. That made Ace laugh harder. "So you aren't dying? Thank goodness!", Luffy said hugging her tightly. What has she gotten herself into?

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