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*Third POV*

"Hey kid, what're you doing? Where are your parents?", asked an old man. A young girl with curly hair and dark skin looked at the man curiously. She is just sitting in a flower field alone. She didn't say a word. She just stared. They just stayed there staring at each other in silence.

"Uhh...do you talk?", he asked. "You lost.", she said. "Lost? What did I lose?", he asked confused. "Staring contest. Duh.", she said. The man stared at her confused before he laughed loudly. "I like you! Call me gramps! My name is Garp. Im taking you with me.", he laughed. The girl just stared at him weirdly.

"Isn't that kidnapping?", she raised an eyebrow. "Well not if you come willingly. Do you have parents?", he asked. "No..", she said. "Then come on. Im adopting you.", he said. He obviously wasn't asking.

The situation only got weirder when he brought her to a busted ass building. She tried her hardest not to judge. But the house was ugly as hell. Garp knocked on the door. More like banged. A woman opened the door angrily. "What the hell do yo-Garp?! Why are you here!?", she yelled. "Hey Dadan! How are you?", he laughed. "Shut up! You better be here to take these brats away!", she yelled.

"No thanks. How're my grandsons?", he grinned. "Ace and Luffy are little shits! And now theres another one named Sabo! They're troublesome Garp! An-who the hell is that?", Dadan narrowed her eyes at the young girl. "Oh this? She's now my granddaughter. I found her today!", Garp smiled. "She's not a dog! Did you kidnap her Garp?! Why did you bring her to me?!", Dadan shouted.

"You'll be taking care of her now.", he smiled. "Hell no! Three is enough already! This isn't some kind of daycare!", she yelled. "Hm? What was that? Did you say you wanted to go to jail for your crimes?", he threatened. "Damn you Garp!", Dadan said distraught. She was losing her mind. Damn near on the verge of tears.

"What even is her name? How old is she?", Dadan asked. "Uhh...", Garp said. He looked at the girl for answers. "You didn't even ask for her name?! Garp what the hell!?", Dadan shouted in disbelief. "Liliana Moon. Im 9 years old...",she said. "Well take care. I gotta go now. Train my grandchildren to be good marines! Bye!", Garp said walking away. Liliana just stared at him in disbelief. He's leaving her here?!

"Alright come in brat. There are rules here got it? You have to work for you stuff. First come first serve always. And you have to do chores. Do you understand? This isn't a fun place. We are bandits after all.", Dadan said sternly. Liliana just nodded. Thats when she heard the front door bust open. In came three rowdy boys. "Damnit! Will you three shut up! Ace, Luffy, Sabo! Come here. There's someone you need to meet.", Dadan said.

They all just stared at Liliana blankly. Not a single one of them saying anything. The adults just looked weirded out. "They haven't said anything boss...", a bandit whispered. "Hi! Im Luffy! These are my brothers Ace and Sabo!", Luffy shouted. "Im Liliana.", she said. This whole situation was so weird. She felt uncomfortable. She wished she could have stayed in the flower field.

It was now nighttime. She had to sleep with the other three boys. She couldn't sleep at all. This was all moving entirely too fast. Her life changed in one day. She didn't know what to expect. What she didn't know was her life would change so much from that moment on.

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