"But you're trusting Theo, anyway?" I hear Stiles's dad say making my heart drop.


I didn't want to hear anymore, I walked in.

"Are you out of your freaking mind." I yelled at Stiles who jumped on the sound of my voice.

"Katherine, close the door." He told me.

"Y-you can't trust him. Don't you remember what he did to me?" I said to him as he pulled me inside and closing the door behind me.

"We're not trusting him. We're using him." Stiles said to me making me scoff.

"Doesn't matter. You can't trust him. O-or be near him." I said trying to control my breath in before something gets out of hand.

"It's the only way to find Mason." Stiles said to me.

"No! There has to be another way. We can't work with him. He's-he-," as I tried to form a word but couldn't. "We get it." Lydia told me making me snap at her.

"No. You don't get it." I said to her.

"You guys don't get any of it. You don't know what it feels like-being torture for days. Being his experiment. Being stuck with him and Spencer as they drain you of your blood trying to find a way to create more of me. Or the fact he knew every little detail about. He used a freaking electronic machine trying to weaken me more. He- he." I said as tears stream down my eyes. I didn't want to break in front of them.

"You guys don't know what it feels like not sleeping at night thinking about every moment of it. Or waking up at night dreaming about it. You guys have no idea how it feels to hate yourself for it." I said to them with strata in my eyes.

"I hate every second of it." I said to them watching how their reaction change.

"You guys don't know anything about him. What if he's using us?" I said to them wiping my tears away.

"That's probably a given." Stiles said making me nod as I looked to the floor.

"But, look we're just trying to cover every place Mason could show." Stiles said to us. How can they trust him. I get they are trying to find Mason I do but-I hate Theo. And now we have a plan with him.

"Yeah, well I don't see you working on that." I said with a tight fake smile.

"Malia and Braeden are at Scott's house." Stiles said.

"Melissa's got the hospital." Sheriff Stilinski said.

"Hayden and Corey are at the school." Lydia said making me nod.

"Somebody's got to find him." Stiles's dad said.

"Let's hope they find Mason, and not the beast." Lydia said.

"Okay, where does this leave us?" I asked her,

"we are not staying here right?" I asked but she didn't tell me anything.

"I'm not staying here while the others are out there." I told her.

"I'm keeping an eye on you." She said to me making me laugh.

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