"I'm sure someone is going to ask you." Tucker says. "I might even take you!"

I shake my head. I'm in no mood for jokes or talk about this dance. Trying to shake off last night's events, my stomach feels sick. Poor Danny is keeping his mouth shut too, not even engaging. He hasn't said a word all day nor did we walk or fly to school together. I really hurt him. Damn, this whole situation sucks!

"You were turned down by someone?" Sam asks me.

"Worse. I turned someone down."

Tucker and Sam look surprised. Danny stares at me for the first time all day looking terrified and heartbroken.


"I didn't want to be a bad friend by saying yes." I admit, hoping to just leave it at that.

"Who asked you?"

"Doesn't matter. Can we please stop talking about this?" I say getting irritated. Danny doesn't even intervene.

"Alright, jeez we'll drop it. But are we still on for the mall tonight?" Sam asks.

"Sure, I guess." I answer.

"That reminds me! Here's your ticket to the dance Danny." Sam says sliding it across the table.

Oh great. Danny looks at it and doesn't even pick it up.

"What's up with you dude? Tired or something?" Tucker asks Danny.

"Just...kinda down, Dealing with some stuff." Danny says.

    Sam looks confused. Danny doesn't even thank her for it.

"You still want to go right Danny?" Sam asks.

"Not really anymore..."

Ugh this is ridiculous. I can't take this torture anymore. I hurt my love interest so I wouldn't hurt my friend, but in the end I'm hurt the most. Danny being upset is the icing on the cake.

"I think I'm gonna throw up. I gotta go!" I say standing up and running out of the cafeteria.

Covering my mouth I run full speed to the ladies room. Bursting through the closest stall I lean over the toilet and heave. My chest aches and throat burns but nothing comes out. Nothing but harsh coughs and stinging tears. I can't stand vomiting, but nothing is even coming out this time. I hear the door behind me open. Lovely, company.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" I hear Sam ask. "Did you throw up?"

Well, at least it's someone checking on me. I come out of the stall and wash my hands still crying.

"No, I didn't. But I'm really not okay Sam." I say leaning on the sink.

"What's going on with you today? You're not yourself. Come to think of it, nether is Danny." She says handing me a paper towel and rubbing my back. I take it nodding.

"Sam...there's something you should know. Danny asked me to the dance last night. He lit candles, threw roses everywhere, and everything. It was awesome. I said no because I didn't want you to be hurt or jealous."

Sam was stunned and silent. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Nor the betrayal of her best friend.

"You did that for me? ...He must really likes you then..."

I nod.

"I couldn't say yes no matter how badly I like him. I couldn't tell him the truth about you. I broke his heart and my own instead to save yours. I've been alone for a long time Sam, and ever since I lost my parents, I really needed a friend. I don't want to lose you Sam. I can't handle anymore loss. I don't want to lose Danny either..."

I take out my phone and show her the picture I took. Sam didn't know what to say. She pulled me into a hug even though she hates them. Knowing her, that was her ultimate sign of respect. What's this about? She's not mad?

"I'm sorry Sam, it just hurts too much. I..love him."

Sam lets me go. She loves him too and she knows it. I try my best to stop crying.

"Let's go." She says pulling me outside of the bathroom.

I don't even get the chance to protest. There waiting was Danny and Tucker. Danny looks very worried and Tucker looks concerned.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? Do you want us to take you to the Nurse again?" Danny asks.

I shake my head. Danny looks crushed seeing me cry, just like last night.

"Did she puke?" Tucker wonders.

"No, thankfully. Danny, I need to tell you something and I'm saying it in front of everyone."

She lets my hand go and walks up to Danny. What is she doing? Sam takes a deep breath.

"Danny, I've liked you for a very long time. I just never had the courage to tell you. Both of them knew, and I never planned on admitting it, but seeing how it's hurt her and now you, I have to come clean."

     She said it, she actually said it! Danny's eyeballs nearly pop out his head. After all these years apparently, he still never figured it out.

"Oh boy...she finally said it." Tucker remarks.

"Danny, this is very hard for me, but I want you to take (Y/N) to the dance. You asked her, not me. And I guess it serves me right for never speaking up until now. I would love to go with you and even become...more than friends with you one day, but I don't want to be the person to keep you from happiness. I want to be apart of it."

Holy crap that's deep!

"Wait, what?" Danny asks.

"Sam, no. That's not fair! You..." Sam holds up her hand stopping me.

"My mind is made up. Like I told you, I don't want to lose a friendship over him, and that includes him and you. All I ask is let me have a dance or two with you, and we never stop being friends." She says looking at Danny.

"Sam, of course you can! I just can't believe you never told me. We've been friends since what, first grade? I feel bad for never noticing. And you know I'll always be your friend." Danny says.

"Thanks. Now I believe you have a question for her." Sam says pushing Danny in front of me. Tucker is baffled witnessing all of this and I feel like this is all a dream.

"(Y/N), again, will you go to the dance with me?" Danny says giving me a relieved smile. I look over at Sam making sure she's really okay with this. She nods at me.

"It's okay (Y/N), go ahead." Sam assures.

"Yes, I'll go to the dance with you."

I throw my arms around his neck and he spins me around. I never wanted to hurt him, I didn't want anyone to be hurt. I look at Sam thankfully, and Tucker wipes tears off his face.

"I saw that!" I say.

"You saw nothing!" He argues. We laugh all share a laugh.

"So dress shopping later?" Sam asks.

"Dress shopping later. Thank you so much Sam. And Danny, I'm sorry your efforts were wasted last night. I did appreciate it." I say.

"It's fine! It's the memory that matters right?" He reassures.

She nods. I feel so much better now and it's clear Danny does too. Maybe Sam and Danny will get together one day, but for now, he's my date to the formal in three weeks. Nothing can get in our way now. And I'm ready to have fun!

(A/N: Shout out CrystalGemGirl18 to  for choosing the story name!)

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