The door was left ajar, so without a sound she sneaked out into the corridor. It was quiet upstairs while she could hear some commotion from the kitchen downstairs. She carried on towards her goal, her eyes set on the door.

She opened it quietly, her smile showing off her small dimples. Genevie trotted unbalanced up to the bed, looking at the two men hugging in the middle of it, neither having noticed the small girl coming in. She tried to climb up on the bed but slipped and landed on the butt with an 'oomph'.

By now, Liam and Zayn had noticed the intrusion sitting on the floor. While Zayn wiped his eyes clearing them from any evidence of their tear-filled morning, Liam smiled at Genevie. He spoke, his voice deep with emotions still. "Well, hello Angel!"

Genevie looked up; her gaze previously set on the warm carpet meeting Liam's with a surprise expression. She quickly turned away, the discomfort with eye contact still too much. They were working on it.

"Well, what are you doing on the floor, darling? Wanna get up here?" He asked, sounding happy, their girl immediately lifting his spirits.

Instead of answering with words, the girl nodded and quickly, albeit clumsily, got up from the floor. Genevie took a few steps closer to the bed before Liam lifted her up. She giggled as he sat her down on the big bed, in the middle of him and Zayn.

"Hi Sleepyhead," Zayn says, his voice affectionate and loving. Genevie answers with a "no", shaking her head seriously while looking at the two men. They both frown, wondering what's wrong. "You are sleepy, no me!" she continued, and Liam couldn't hold in a chuckle at the cute girl in front of him.

"Oh really?" Zayn asked, starting to tickle the girl. She didn't answer, letting out squeals and squirming on the bed while laughing uncontrollably. A few moments later, Liam came to her rescue and saved her from Zayn's antics by hugging her from behind.

When Genevie had stopped panting and Liam released the grip on her, Louis barged into the room to grab is phone. Instead, he's met with the cute sight of the three cuddled up on the big bed. He leans in for a kiss from Liam, being the closest option.

Louis kept his voice low as he spoke, as to not disturb the blanket of peacefulness and lazy morning-mood that had settled over the room. "Hi, we're going soon, making breakfast right now if you want to come down?" He poked his tongue out towards Genevie when he finished, earning a sweet giggle from her before he left.

Liam nodded his head in reply, Louis not being there to see it. It was funny how fast he lost his focus, like halfway through buttering a toast he just forgot about it and decided to write a song instead of breakfast.

To be fair, it had gotten better when they all moved in together, and now Genevie required more structure and focus, but if you were to point out the easiest to distract, it would definitely be Louis.

After getting breakfast, thankfully not cooked by Louis (the house wouldn't still be standing if he had done it), the trio said goodbye to Niall, Harry and Louis for the day. They were meeting Judy before choosing a label, hoping to get some help.

While Zayn cleaned the evidence of breakfast Liam took Genevie upstairs. When he was sure the husband was out of earshot, Liam whispered excitedly, "Papa's a bit sad today, so we gotta make him really happy again, right angel?" In reply, the young girl nodded, frowning at the word 'Papa'. Who was Papa?

Liam ignored the frowning and went on, explaining how they would get Zayn to smile, including a trip to their activity room. Genevie was not aware they had a room like that. While animatedly making hand gestures to keep her interested, changing the tone of his voice and everything, he also changed her out of the pajamas and into a pair of soft blue leggings and an oversized t-shirt, choosing clothes that they wouldn't care if they got paint on them.

Afterwards, they left for the art room, where Zayn was laying out paper sheets on the table and the floor under it.

And in that moment, child on his left hip who was currently messing his unstyled hair up even more, he was met with a wave of adoration and love towards his beautiful husband. He knew how much he was struggling; how close he was to giving in to his anxiety and just curl up into a ball and hide. A couple of years back he would've done that. But here he is, on all fours and cursing silently because his head hit the table while trying to distribute the papers evenly.

If he could, Liam would frame the moment. He was so beautiful, no matter what Zayn did, no matter what any of his husbands did, they were all so beautiful. He returned to the present with a specifically harsh tug on his poor hair, gently trying to pry the small fingers from the strand Genevie was holding on to desperately.

While Liam explained how it hurt to tug on someone's hair, Zayn looked up at the cute moment. And similarly to Liam, he wished he could just freeze the moment. The thought of how in love he really was made him afraid, scared to see how a new management would react, scared of how they would probably force them to hide their love. The last years he hadn't seen a single rumor of them living together, but maybe the band's reunion would get fans to conspire. That alone made his stomach knot.

It was scary, how fast they could sense each other's mood changes, Liam looking up immediately to meet Zayn's dark eyes. He nodded once in question and got a nod from the anxious husband in return.

They moved towards the chairs, Genevie speaking about something related to the fluffy unicorns he had seen last night on TV. "And Lisa, blue one, was so fast, like wroom fast," she spoke, the two older nodding alone, as if they also knew who Lisa was.

Eventually, they started painting, Genevie somehow getting purple and pink paint absolutely everywhere, Liam getting tired just thinking of cleaning the mess up. A while into the session they let the girl roam freely in the art room after washing her hand, having gotten bored of painting.

She found some colorful strings and was soon on her way to make friendship bracelets, expertly tying the six strings together in patterns. Her hands still remembered from all the countless hours on Mai's floor, tying knot after knot of thread into beautiful patterns.

The two adults were impressed by her skill, and that she remembered it, even in a fragile headspace. Soon she was finished with her fifth one, this time with the whole rainbow included in an arrow pattern. They decided to call it quits about then, leaving Zayn's painting to dry, Genevie carrying all her precious bands in her right hand, the left one busy with Liam's.

They ate lunch and relaxed on the big couch with some random series Genevie wanted to watch while waiting for the remaining three to return home. A bit of nerve creeped inside the younger's belly, she had promised to give Louis a bracelet, the rainbow one. What if he didn't like it? Why would he even want it?


Okay this is shit, I am a mess, but I needed to get something out!

I have a plan now though. I've realized that how I want this story turn out has changed a lot since I initially began to write this. So, I'm planning on finishing this quite quickly, and then jump straight into editing and rewriting, because I'm not happy with the mess I've got going on right now.

With that said, I'm sorry for the time it took to write this, I've had a lot going on and haven't had much motivation to write this.

'Til Next Time

See ya!

Genevie (One Direction Age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now