SUSHAIR- KARLS 16TH BDAY, 3/11- Numair's POV

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The room was awash in the warm, golden glow of fairy lights, their soft illumination creating an enchanting atmosphere

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The room was awash in the warm, golden glow of fairy lights, their soft illumination creating an enchanting atmosphere. Karl's 16th birthday party, held on the crisp evening of November 3rd, was in full swing. The air was filled with laughter and the chatter of teenagers reveling in the excitement of the evening. Sushain and Numair, lifelong friends, shared a unique camaraderie that had weathered the tempestuous years of adolescence. As they mingled among the partygoers, there was an unmistakable sense of anticipation in the air, heightened by the knowledge that a playful game of spin the bottle was about to unfold. The gentle hum of music and the flickering candlelight set the stage for a moment that would indelibly alter their friendship.

In the dimly lit room, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and a hint of uncertainty. The pulsating music reverberated through the walls as the group huddled together, a circle formed around a makeshift bottle at the center. As the bottle spun, casting fleeting shadows across their faces, the room held its collective breath. The anticipation was palpable, an unspoken understanding that this innocent game of spin the bottle might reveal more than just playful kisses. Numair and Sushain exchanged a quick, nervous glance, their eyes locking for a fraction of a second before the bottle's neck came to a hesitant stop, pointing directly at them. A ripple of excitement and whispers swept through the room as the moment arrived. As the bottle's capricious spin ceased, their heart's raced, the room's soft, golden light cast a warm glow around them, accentuating the vulnerability of the moment.

As he leaned closer, Numair saw a mixture of apprehension, curiosity and something else -something uncharted and mysterious that he could only hope would be longing- dance in Sushain's eyes. As they inched closer to informidble sin and each other, he could feel every heart beat, strong and echoing pulses from under his thin shirt, Numair could feel his own heart betraying him and thundering against his ribs as if trying to escape captivity. Their breath was syncing, rhythmic exhales and inhales matching the lustorous music. In that moment, time suspended, leaving him in a world of anticipation, with only the sight of Sushain's mesmerising chocolate eyes, which like rich mahogany, held the warmth of the earth and the depth of secrets. All the noise of the surroundings dispersed, drowned out by the sound of their reverberating heartbeats that drew them closer still. The room had seemingly faded into oblivion, leaving only the electric tension between them.

And then, their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss. 

The kiss made his head spin, igniting a symphony of sensations. It felt wild yet enticing, like an explosion of fireworks, beauty with a razor sharp edge. He closed his eyes to a whirl of colours and sensations too bright and intense to bear. The kiss was a tender collision of longing and affection, a silent promise of unspoken words. Sushain's lips were tender and hot under his own and he found could no longer contain his hands anymore. He ran his fingers over his face, the curves of his cheekbones, as if to commit every inch to memory; ran his hands through Sushain's hair as he had always wanted to, the dark silky locks intertwining with his fingers. Finally, his hand came to rest, cupped on the tender skin at the back of his neck, his pulse hammering against Numair's hands. He could feel that it took every ounce of control Sushain possessed to touch him gently, not to crush him against him. 

He was being so gentle, a type of gentle Numair had never associated with him. 

But he did not want gentle. They had long forsaken the boundaries of promiscuity and shame so he urged Sushain closer and explored his mouth further until his head spun vigorously and he could not tell where his mouth ended and Sushain's began. Sushain tasted of the cheap cola from the party, the sweet and tingling flavour clinging to his juicy lips. Every flick of his tongue sent delicious shudders, melting and searing his nerves.

This kiss conveyed more than sentences ever could- a profound connection etched in the memory of their souls.

(chapter written by yumyum)

(chapter written by yumyum)

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(illustration by boklek)

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