Scary x Radiant

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"uh..." Radiant was terrified to be in the presence of Scary "Speak up." "Uhm... Where are we going?" Radiant was just following Scary because well he was bored

"Figure it out yourself you followed me" Scary was clearly annoyed. Radiant just looked in fear and boredom. "Im bored"

"Your fault" Radiant just puffed his cheeks at the response and continued blabbering about random stuff to pass time.

They stop near a pharmacy "wait here" says Scary (and no he didn't wait he went to smoke some weed or something/j) after like 10 mins Scary came out ( and caught Radiant smoking weed ) and just gestured Radiant to follow

"Whatcha got?" Radiant asks ( still high ) [ok I'll stop with the weed ] "none of your business" Scary says in an annoyed tone

They walked into an alleyway ( wait didn't I just do alleyway sex ) and into a seemingly abandoned building ( nvm ) "uhhh" Radiant started to feel something was off "What." Scary side eyed him "w-why are we here" "just sit down somewhere I got some work"

Scary threw the Pharmacy bag near some crates and gestured Radiant to sit down there ( then he went to smoke wee- ).

Radiant got bored and wanted to look in the pharmacy bag -hehe.- he looked inside and just some bandages, condoms and lube -... Damn boring, eh good for him he'll get some pleasure in life ig-

Radiant didn't think much of it and sat back down. After some time Scary came out with blood on his fist and a few bruises.

"My lord! [OPERATIVE] Scary are you alright" Radiant was genuinely concerned "I'm fine." Radiant wasn't convinced but didn't have the guts to object

"... You looked through the bag didn't you" Scary looked at him, Disappointed 😔 "... I was bored :D" long pause later "well... Have fun tonight! With who ever..."

"That someone is right in front of me" Scary just gave a grin "w-what?" Scary stood up, uproached Radiant and got closer to his face "Yknow Emotionless isn't very good at hiding stuff when drunk" and just like that he closes the gap between their faces and kisses him

Everyone's favourite**time skip**

"Goodboy~" Scary was throwing random compliments at Radiant while Radiant sucked his cock

-i feel light headed- Radiant was starting to lose consciousness ( probably all that weed ) he just continued giving kitten licks until Scary finally finished

"Hah- goodboy..." Radiant was still light headed but before he knew it he was pinned against the crate. "Now for the real fun" Scary pulled down Radiant's pant and starting teasing him

"A-a-ah- just do it already~" Radiant didn't want pleasure, he wanted freedom "be patient if you want it" Scary said in a... Scary tone

Radiant just gave up, and Scary got bored so he aligned himself. "Alright get ready" "HNG!" The light headedness just disappeared when Scary entered Radiant "heh- weakling" ( who's worse bratty Radiant or mean Scary) "s-shut up~" Radiant was scratching at the crates,panting "hahhh~ ohhh myyyy~"

Loud moans and random words came out of Radiant's mouth until "GAH!" ( yay i remembered prostate was a thing this time ) "ah~ seems I found *grunt and thrusts* it" Scary repeatedly abused his prostate again and again

"Hah! Hah! Hah!" ( he's not laughing he's panting) Radiant was getting light headed again, "hng-" and he finished, then immediately passed out. Scary thrusted a little more before finishing.

"Hah- weakling passed out~" Scary dressed Radiant up messily and carried him back to his house.

Time skip

"Hng- my head..." Radiant woke up "You're awake." Radiant jerked at the voice "o-o-oh! [OPERATIVE] Scary_day! Wh-" Radiant remembered what happened "oh."

Scary just grinned and said "well you seem fine now, I'll be heading back to work, I'll tell [SUPREME LEADER] an excuse for you" "...thanks"

Sorry people I've been busy w school but i got this finished:D

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