Emotionless x Radiant

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"[OPERATIVE] Radiant!" Emotionless was trying to help Radiant get over his drinking problem (yes i pulled this out of my ass) but he kept dozing off "whAttttt"

Radiant was acting like a bratty child ( we stan bratty Radiant here ) "You need to stop drinking!" "no :P" Radiant stuck his tongue out to tease Emotionless

"What would [SUPREME LEADER] think to know one of his operatives has a drinking problem" Radiant just continued smiling goofily

"Damn it... Why must you always be so hard" "because~ you're so hot I can hardly control myself~" "... Keep this formal [OPERATIVE] Radiant." "Aw~ come on now let's have some fun~"
"[OPERATIVE] Radiant I will not repeat what i said."

Radiant just sat there no more smile. "Hmph" he put his head on the table in his hands ( idk how to explain it sum like this 🙇‍♀️ ) "so you're just gonna be like this" "hmph"

A few minutes went by and even Radiant was getting bored, they were sitting across from each other so Radiant had an idea.

He tried to reach Emotionless's crotch with his leg to get him sprung up, Emotionless quickly got up and yelled at "[OPERATIVE] RADIANT! THIS BEHAVIOUR IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE" (lmao genka vibes)

"Come on~ you're pent up too now" Emotionless was getting frustrated now but just gave up and limped on his chair. "Just do what you want"

And so Radiant did.

The well known**time skip**

"Mph~" Emotionless couldn't believe what he was doing right now, but he couldn't lie that it was amazing

"Fuck-" he said breathily "[OPERATIVE] Radiant-" "Someone's enjoying themselves" Radiant said while giving kitten licks. And yes, he was enjoying himself.

Emotionless removed Radiant's hat ( this mtf was wearing his hat the entire time?) And moved his hand through his hair.

Radiant unzipped his own pants and started jerking off. "Fuck!" Emotionless tugged onto Radiant's hair as he came.

"Not very emotionless now are ya" Radiant said "Shut up." Emotionless was flustered "mm~" Radiant got onto Emotionless's lap. "How bout a ride?~"


"OH YES!~" And he thought Dreadful was amazing, forget table sex now there's couch sex "AH!"

"Shut it there might be people outside" Emotionless put his hand over Radiant's mouth. Emotionless was not only fast but large ( L great's pp ).

Radiant had already came but uh Emotionless just like the others likes to take his time

3...2...1 and Emotionless came in Radiant. "Mph...mph...mph..." Radiant was breathing heavy. Emotionless had stopped but still hadnt pulled out for some reason.

Slowly slowly he started to move again. "!" After some time he was back at the pace he was going at "a-a-ah-" Radiant was letting out choked moans by now

"You- hah- how are you called Emotionless_day? You should be called Lustful_day or sOMETHING!~" he hit it. His sweet spot. He just chuckled and kept ramming into it until he came for the third time. He thrusted a few more times and Radiant came as well. Radiant was almost passed out, "fuck..."

Emotionless fixed him up and let him rest for a while


"Hng-" Radiant finally woke up with great back pain "you're awake." Emotionless looked at him.

"... What did i do..." "And you're sobered up, that's good" Emotionless paused "as per what you did, i think you can connect the dots." Radiant just flushed and got up.

"*Stretches* ow- well I should get back to work" "yes, GO!" "Jeez you don't gotta yell..."

The end of this chapter
Emotionless isnt very emotionless.
Here's random ten words to make this chapter exactly 600 words

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