Dreadful x Radiant

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Dreadful_day and Radiant_day were just strolling in the alleyway for patrol. ( im not caught up with lore so idk if this makes sense ) "So uh.. wanna talk about anything? It's kinda boring"

"..." "You really don't like me" Radiant looked at Dreadful who refused to talk with him "look [OPERATIVE] Dreadful I'm just here for the job, let's just get it done and go our separate ways"

Dreadful still didn't say anything "hmph, if you're gonna be like that, I'm gonna be like that" Radiant dramatically looked away from Dreadful

Dreadful had no reaction and just went to sit on a nearby crate he saw. Radiant was starting to get annoyed -hm.... He seems like he could use some weight off him~-

Radiant just uproached him and uh...

✨ Time skip ✨

"Fuck...." Dreadful said in a breathy voice. Radiant was on his knees sucking his uh... cock

"[OPERATIVE] Radiant~ you're amazing~" Radiant just sucked harder in response "hng- god hah- im close~"

And just like that he came, Radiant looked at Dreadful and swallowed and stuck out his tongue.

"Filthy whore..." "Hm~" well um.. Dreadful wasn't done there :D

Another short time skip ( i love time skips sm they make my life easier )

"AH! NGH- SLOW DOWN~" Radiant was uncomfortable but was having the time of his life.

Uncomfortable because he was brushing against the hard rough walls of the alleyway. Having the time of his life because well, Dreadful being the youngest of the operatives has quite the speed.

"Oh come on now who got on his knees without me even asking" "PLEASE~ IT'S TOO MUCH!~" Radiant was losing balance slowly "Damn it hold still you slut" "AH!" ( I forgot that sweet spots existed ) Dreadful knew what he hit

"Hm~ what's this?" He angled himself in such a way that he would only hit that one spot "NO~" Radiant was losing his mind. And balance ( someone help this poor man )

"Cry all you want, but i ain't stopping" Radiant started crying out of pain and pleasure ( HELP THIS MAN ). He didn't even realised he already finished like twice.

Finally after like 2 hours of this hell Dreadful came ( how TF did this man last so long ) "hah- hah- gah- how was that you whore" Radiant was biting his lip and crying slightly, dreadful pulled out and let go of Radiant causing him to fall immediately.

"..." Dreadful got his clothes and just threw them on him. "Get dressed we still got patrolling to do"

For the rest of the time Radiant needed help to walk. Finally after reaching home all he wanted was a hot shower. He will remember that as both a great and horrid ( heh ) memory


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