Chapter 9

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Andrea's Pov

It's been three weeks since I started working at Knight Industries. I've become more comfortable with my tasks, and Mr. Knight is not as harsh as he was on my first day.

Something's happening, and I can't quite put my finger on it. I think I might be developing a crush on him. It's strange; every time I see him, my heart races for no apparent reason. He's been surprisingly kind to me, despite his reputation for being rude and arrogant. I can't help but feel that there's a softer side to him. Whenever I'm around him, I sense his gaze fixed on me, and strangely, I kind of like it.

Today, like any other morning, I went to bring Mr. Knight his coffee. However, I noticed that his tie was slightly askew. Without thinking, I offered to fix it for him. I approached him and began adjusting his tie, feeling the intensity of his gaze on me. When I dared to lift my head to meet his eyes, I was utterly captivated.

He was strikingly handsome; words couldn't do justice to his features. Everything about him was perfect, but what stood out most were his eyes. They seemed to change shade every passing moment, and I couldn't look away.

Suddenly, he cleared his throat, breaking the spell he unknowingly had me under. He gently pushed my hand aside, a subtle rejection that stung more than it should have.

"I can manage on my own, Ms. Jones. You can leave," he stated, his voice carrying a mix of calm and coldness.

I simply nodded and left his office, feeling conflicted. It was as if I had no control over my own actions when I was around him.

"Are you lost in Mr. Knight's world again?" Ava teased as she settled into the chair opposite mine in the cafeteria.

Ava had become my friend since my second day at Knight Industries. She worked in the marketing department, and we hit it off over lunch. She was a kind and funny person, and I appreciated her friendship.

I sighed and admitted, "Maybe a little."

Ava grinned and leaned in, her voice filled with mischief. "Daydreaming is all well and good, Ana, but it won't get you anywhere. You need to make your move."

"Come on, Ava," I replied, "I should probably keep my distance from Mr. Knight. It's just a crush, nothing more. He'll never see me as anything other than an assistant."

Ava raised an eyebrow, studying me closely. "We'll see, Ana. Sometimes crushes can surprise you."

I shrugged, unsure of what to think, and we continued our conversation, all the while, a small part of me wondering what the future might hold.

I spent the day diligently working on making phone calls and sending out invitations for the company's annual celebration, scheduled for the upcoming Saturday. It was a lot of work, but I wanted to ensure everything was perfect. However, the day went by without any sign of Mr. Knight. It seemed like he was avoiding me.

As the day drew to a close, I found myself standing in front of Mr. Knight's office, and just as I was about to leave, he opened the door.

"I didn't assign you the task of guarding my office," he stated with his usual emotionless expression.

I blushed slightly, not sure why my cheeks were betraying me. "Oh no, I just came to let you know I'm leaving."

He nodded. "Okay, Finn will drop you at home. He's waiting at the entrance."

Finn was Mr. Knight's driver and bodyguard, a man of few words and even fewer expressions. I wasn't sure if Mr. Knight was being caring or simply helpful, but I had no intention of going home with Finn. Instead, I decided to take the bus. I felt the need to create some distance between Mr. Knight and me.

So, I discreetly made my way past Finn and left the building. I planned to take a bus home and avoid any further interactions with Mr. Knight's staff. As I walked to the bus stop and sat down, waiting for the bus to arrive, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I glanced around, but no one seemed to be paying me any particular attention.

Fear gripped me as I wondered if my uncle had discovered my whereabouts and sent his men to find me. My palms grew sweaty, and I knew I had to escape. This couldn't be happening.

I clutched my bag tightly and began to walk away from the bus stop. After about five minutes, I couldn't shake the feeling that a man was following me. I turned to confirm my suspicions, and there he was, getting closer by the moment. Panic set in; I knew he intended to harm me.

Tears streamed down my face as I pondered why I always found myself in situations like this. How long would I have to keep running and hiding from my past? My legs ached, and they finally gave out as I tripped and fell to the ground. My vision blurred, and I struggled to catch my breath, all while the man closed in on me.

In a sudden twist of fate, a car's headlights blazed to life, and a vehicle screeched to a halt right in front of me. The car door flung open, and there was Mr. Knight, rushing toward me. At the same time, Finn, his bodyguard, leaped out of the car and gave chase to the man who had been following me.

"Fuck, Andrea," Mr. Knight muttered, concern etched on his face. He swiftly gathered me into his arms and carried me to the car, gently placing me on the seat. He handed me a water bottle, but my hands trembled as I accepted it. Tears streamed down my face, and I was too afraid to look him in the eye.

I cautiously unscrewed the bottle's cap and began sipping the water. Mr. Knight then leaned down and began removing my heels. I couldn't help but murmur, "You don't need to do that," my voice barely more than a whisper due to my lingering fear.

"Shut up and drink the water first," he snapped, his words a bit harsh but also laced with concern. This only made my tears flow more freely, but what happened next left me utterly startled.

He started to massage my foot, using his skilled fingers to relieve the tension. I couldn't comprehend why he was being so kind to me.

Finn returned with news, "Sir, we caught him. I instructed our men to take him to our warehouse and Mr. Roma is taking care of it."

"Okay, let's go," Mr. Knight replied. With that, Finn took the driver's seat, and Mr. Knight motioned for me to sit next to him. The car started moving, and he removed his coat, placing it aside.

But the most surprising thing happened next. He turned towards me, his eyes showing an unusual softness. He gently lifted me onto his lap, and I was too shocked to resist. My legs throbbed from running, and his warm embrace felt comforting.

As we drove away, he wiped away my tears and then began to massage my sore feet. It was an unexpected gesture of care from a man who had seemed so cold and unfeeling just days ago.

“Close your eyes and sleep now. I’m taking you to my place,” he said, his voice reassuring. My eyes widened at his words, and a whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind.

"Mr. Knight, I need to get back home. My grandmother will be worried about me," I insisted, hoping to convince him to change his plans.

He calmly replied, "I've already instructed my men to inform your grandmother about your safety, so there's no need to worry. Just relax and get some rest," as he gently guided my head to rest on his chest.

My body was exhausted, and I lacked the energy to argue any further. Closing my eyes, I allowed the soothing rhythm of his massages to help me relax. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, I couldn't deny the comfort his actions provided. Questions about why he had come to my rescue and what his intentions were swirled in my mind as I succumbed to sleep.

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