Chapter 8

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Xavier's POV

I sat in my study, carefully examining the file for an important meeting scheduled for the next day. As I went over the day's events in my head, something peculiar happened. Initially, I was quite furious, but over time, the anger transformed into something unexpected. I found myself unable to stay mad at her any longer. The incident where she had inadvertently tugged at my pants, completely oblivious to what she was doing, struck me as more amusing than infuriating. In fact, it was so amusing that I couldn't help but chuckle.

This reaction was rather out of character for me. I usually kept my emotions in check, especially when it came to my employees. So, I promptly left the scene to avoid appearing too easily amused.

Leaving my office behind, I hopped into my car and headed to my penthouse, intending to change into fresh clothes before returning to work. However, my plans took a detour when I received a call from Alex. He wanted to meet in person, so I instructed him to come to my penthouse instead.

Alex filled me in on the details about her, and I must admit, I was quite taken aback by what I heard. It seemed that I had some connection to her in the past, although I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Alex had gathered a substantial amount of information about her, but there were still critical gaps in our understanding of her situation.

I instructed Alex to delve deeper into her background and to ensure that I received regular updates. Once our conversation concluded, Alex took his leave.

Next, I made a call to John, one of my trusted bodyguards. I tasked him with a new responsibility: to closely monitor Andrea and keep me informed about her activities and any relevant developments. It was crucial to keep a close eye on her given the circumstances.

It was my turn to show appreciation for someone who had helped me in a tough situation in the past. I've always believed in repaying kindness or even animosity with even greater fervor.

In a twist of fate, Andrea had found herself in the right place, and I was determined to fight for what was rightfully hers. However, I had to be cautious not to let my emotions get in the way. My heart, it seemed, was beginning to have a will of its own, and it was already showing signs of defying my intentions.

The next day, I decided to arrive at the office early. It was a routine day, but I couldn't shake off the curiosity about Andrea. I found myself inexplicably drawn to her, prompting me to check on her cabin. I knew it was unlikely she'd be there at that hour, but it felt like an impulse I needed to follow.

As I entered my office, much to my surprise, I discovered Andrea already inside. She was seated at my desk, diligently sorting through the files that had cluttered it. The sound of my entrance caught her off guard, making her jump slightly in her chair. She looked up, her voice barely above a whisper as she greeted me with, "Good morning, Mr. Knight." Her demeanor was notably more subdued compared to the previous day, and her gaze remained fixed on the documents in front of her.

In hushed tones, she explained her presence, saying, "I just came to clear these files from your table." The room was charged with an unspoken tension, leaving me intrigued and wondering about the enigma that was Andrea. As I observed her, I couldn't help but contemplate the mysteries that surrounded her and her presence in my life.

Maintaining my composed facade, I closed the distance between us, my steps deliberate and unhurried. Andrea's gaze slowly lifted to meet mine, revealing the most captivating pair of blue-green eyes. The depths of her irises were filled with an unspoken sorrow, and for the first time, I took a closer look at her.

Andrea's beauty was undeniable. Her face was adorned with a cute, delicate nose, and her lips were exquisitely shaped. What struck me was her natural and effortless allure. She wore a stylish red pencil skirt that accentuated her curves and a crisp white shirt that exuded a sense of professionalism. Her hair was elegantly pulled back into a high ponytail, revealing her graceful neck, and she completed her look with vibrant red heels, which elongated her already toned and slender legs. In that moment, I couldn't deny it; she was nothing short of perfect.

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