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In a lonely road at 2 pm,


A young man was driving the car with utmost speed that the expensive car can afford.With his current speed,he can definitely get involved in an accident but currently that's not his primary concern.

He drove to a place which was looking nothing less than a haunted place with the night settings and its appearance.

He went came out of the car in a hurry and went inside the place with quick strides shouting someone's name.


His ears caught the sound of a muffled female cry and his legs followed the path.

Unknown person:Oh Vaanga sir...Varamatinganu nenachen....

That man:Listen ithula avnagala kondu varatha...Leave her...

That person smirked and said "itho vituten"

A gunshot was heard following the ear screeching scream.





Loving someone is not a something that can be forced or planned.

But not all of them ends up as a happily ever after......

Lets see whose love gets suceed and whose is not.

This story is a feel good drama with tons of emotions and love...


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