chapter seven- The trip to Lake-Town

Start from the beginning

The elleths soon reached a more open area with a rocky and uneven ground. Eliriel noticed that around them were pieces of dead animals and pools of blood.

'The orc pack was definitely here.' She thought as they all tried not to step in anything. Her and Tauriel walked over to the edge, to scout the area. The sun was shining brightly making Eliriel squint her eyes slightly to see.

"The dwarves were here, I am certain. So was the orc pack." Eliriel said. "I guess they found a way to cross the lake. With Kili they wouldn't have been able to make it on land."

"Right." Tauriel simply mumbled. She was worried for him. "Hey." Eliriel looked at her friend. "He will be fine." She reassured her.

'I hope.'

"Well, they might have found a way, but we can't cross the lake." Laerornel sighed from slightly behind them. And they all agreed, they had to go through the forest.

Suddenly Eliriel felt a familiar presence approaching them. She shot Tauriel and Laerornel a quick knowing glance as she slowly moved her hand to grab an arrow. And in the blink of an eye, she turned around ready to shoot. She was met with a elf that was armed with his bow as well.

"Took you long enough, I was starting to think you wouldn't show up!" Eliriel smirked as she lowered her weapon. Legolas was also smirking as he lowered his as well. "You knew I would come?" Eliriel nodded. "Of course."

"Well, we do need your help if we're to hunt thirty orcs." Laerornel spoke.

"She's right mellon." Tauriel added, nodding.

"The king is angry, with all of you. Especially you, Eliriel and Laerornel." Legolas began as he approached closer to Eliriel. "For almost six hundred years my father has protected you. Gave you a place to stay and took care of you. But you defied his orders and betrayed his trust." He paused as he made eye contact with Eliriel and she could feel  herself bitting the inside of her cheek at his words. What he said was truthful but they couldn't just stand there as everything else gets destroyed.

He took a step closer to Eliriel, looking at her in the eye. "Tolo ar nin, he will forgive you. All of you." He then moved his gaze to the other elleths, before returning back to her.

"He might forgive us Legolas, but we can't go back. Not like this." Eliriel told him, her eyebrows frowning slightly.

"The king has never let orc filths roam our lands. Yet he let this one cross our borders and kill our prisoners." Tauriel mumbled.

"It is not our fight."

"Yes it is." Eliriel argued. "If we stop here, this evil will grow. It will grow so much that it will destroy all before it." She paused. "Legolas, we can't let evil become stronger than us."

Legolas moved his gaze to the horizon, thinking about what Eliriel said. His father was a king and had protected his people for centuries. But, Eliriel was right. If they don't act now things will become worse.

"Alright," He said. "I'm coming with you."

After Eliriel successfully convinced Legolas, the group wasted no time and started making their way into the forest, to Lake-Town. Now, they have been walking for hours.

The sky was now darker and it was almost night time. Their trip has been easy so far. They haven't encountered any spiders yet and the forest sickness doesn't affect them anymore, after they have been in it for so many years.

"It's best if we camp here for a while." Eliriel said. "It's dark and we should rest."

"Alright, it looks like this area is clear of spiders for now." Legolas said as he went to sit under a big tree. "We should be fine."
Tauriel and Laerornel also sat under a different tree.

"Where are you going?" Tauriel asked Eliriel who was taking her green cloak off and putting down beside her.

"I'm just going to check the area a little, just to be safe."She answered, taking her bow to into her hands. "There could still be spiders nearby."

"Shouldn't I come with you?" Legolas asked her, ready to stand up. Eliriel was about to answer when she saw from the corner of her eye Tauriel silently giggling. She knew what Tauriel was thinking. Eliriel sent her a look before finally answering. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine." She reassured him and walked away, through various bushes. As she did so, Eliriel couldn't help but smile. 'He's kinda cute when he's worried.'

Eliriel stopped in her tracks.

'What am I thinking?' She shook her head and continued forward, pushing these thoughts aside. Her cheeks feeling slightly warmer.

She didn't really want him to know the real reason she was "checking the area".

The moment the stars started shining in the sky, she felt the need to use her powers, probably because she hasn't done that in a while. She still hasn't told him anything about them and doesn't know when she will. She's just waiting for the right time. Or at least that's what she tells herself.

After she was at a safe distance, she put her bow down on the ground near some fallen leaves. But then an idea popped into her mind. She grabbed her bow again with one hand. With the other, she clenched her fist really tight until an arrow made of ice materialized in it. She then readied her bow and pulled back the string before releasing the arrow and watched as it hit a thick tree trunk. But it didn't just hit it, it also froze a part of it as well.

'Nice, I should make more of these.' She thought as she put down her bow. 'I have a feeling this is going to be useful.'

"I knew you would help these dwarves." Said a familiar voice in Eliriel's mind.

"My lady." Eliriel said as she smiled.

"You knew of the dangers and yet you still do. That is the main reason I gave you your gift."

"And I am thankful for it my lady, but as you know, I am not the only one." She paused. "My friends are also helping."

Lady Elbereth chuckled. "True but take pride. Not many are as brave as you are."

Eliriel blushed at her words.

"The elf boy, why haven't you told him?"

Eliriel didn't expect that question.

"I don't know what he would think of me if I did." She answered.

"You care about what he thinks of you".

"W-well that also applies to everyone else as well." Eliriel stuttered. "If I tell them, when they look at me they will only see an elleth with powers. I don't want them to respect me only for that  but for what I've done. For who I am."

"Then I can assure you the woodland prince has a lot of respect for you." 

Eliriel only blushed more at her comment.

"Eliriel dear, keep him close to you. That is my advice for you. No matter what happens, can you promise me you will do that?" Lady Elbereth's tone suddenly changed. It sounded more, serious.

'Will something happen?' Eliriel wondered.

"Yes, yes I promise." She answered, not thinking about it too much. Legolas was her friend, so promising something like that seemed useless to her.

If only Eliriel knew how big the weight of this promise actually was.

AN: Hellooo!!!👋 Like I promised I uploaded earlier this time. 😅
Today was actually my first day in uni and it was actually fun. I was pretty nervous but I've already met a few people and it's nice.

Again I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night!!💕💕<333

In a different world{BOOK 1}Legolas X OCWhere stories live. Discover now