"JOIN OUR TEAM!!!!!!!!!!1"

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God, I'm starving... Hyeri's tummy roared as she rubbed it. She pouted as the professor was about to wrap up his lecture.

Normally she wouldn't let hunger distract her during her classes. In fact, Minah would prevent her tummy from rubbling since she always brings snacks to class. However, Minah was sick with the flu and Baekhyun insisted on taking care of her. It was Minah who usually nursed everyone else back to health. Sojin, Yura, and Hyeri wanted to help out, but Baekhyun told them to not worry.

Students got up from their seats as the professor erased whatever was written on the board. As soon as Hyeri was about to leave the classroom, a voice uttered out her name.

"No," Hyeri answered at Jin. He and his friends towered over her and blocked her way from exiting the room.

"But you didn't even hear my question!" Jin frowned. Hyeri made her way through the blockade Jin and his friends formed and rolled her eyes.

Jin followed Hyeri to the cafeteria, planning on not giving up.

"Hyung! I thought we were going to recruit a pro-level player for the tournament..." whined one of Jin's friends.

"Yeah, girls can't play League...they're sucky players. Too emotional," muttered another one of his friends.

"Say what now?!" Hyeri turned around and glared at the last guy who spoke.

"Hey! Jungkook! Suga! Can it!" Jin shushed them as Hyeri was steaming up.

"Oh my God, for the millionth time in my glorious short life!" Hyeri huffed as her eyes were ignited with fiery.


Jungkook hid behind Jin while Suga sighed in boredom. Jin pleaded, "I guess that's a yes then?"

Hyeri kept his glare on Jungkook and Suga and responded with a scoff. "Ya think?"

As she was about to head off in another direction, Jin desparately followed after her. "Please, Hyeri! Please! We need someone to play adc! Namjoon normally plays that position, but he transferred to another university! Pleeeeeeease!"

Hyeri stopped her search for the gang's table and glared up at Jin. "Do you think I would enjoy being part of a sexist team? Those two friends of your's seriously offended me!"

Jin looked behind him to see Jungkook and Suga nowhere to be seen. He sighed, as it was not the first time they ditched him whenever he tries to recruit new people on their team.

Hyeri continued on with her rant, "Just because I'm a girl does not mean I'm incapable of beating every sexist pigs' asses on League..!"

"B-But you're aing-ri! You're one of the best players in our area! PLEASE!" Jin clasped his hands together and begged.

"Wait a second, you're aing-ri?" Jungkook appeared out of nowhere curious than ever. Suga nonchallantly followed, still as apathetic as ever.

Jin nodded excitedly, "Yes, oh my God, it's aing-ri!"

Hyeri shushed him right after. "Don't!"

Jungkook's eyes gleamed, "Don't what? Tell anyone of your identity? Why not? You're like a legend!" Jin nodded in agreement with Hyeri's hand that remained over his mouth.

"If you tell anyone it's me then people from other teams are going to recruit me!" she sternly whispered.

"Literally, every time I come online I have tons of people messaging me to join their team! They constantly spam me until I guarantee that I join them!" Hyeri frowned in annoyance.

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