Seblos: Our Little Girl

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Summary: Seb and Carlos's sixteen-year-old daughter, Clara, gets pregnant, and they tell her a story about how the same thing happened to them when they were in high school.
Clara Matthew-Smith-Rodriguez was sixteen years old and pregnant.

Clara and her boyfriend, Benji, for a year had recently broken up at the end of summer vacation before he moved to San Diego where his family was transferred for his dad's new job, and she hadn't spoken to him since after he started his new school and got a new girlfriend. Two months after the breakup and her junior year started, Clara wasn't feeling well. And then, she thought on how she might be pregnant when she was talking with her friend, Abby, about it. So after school, she went to a pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. As soon as got home, she went into the bathroom and took the pregnancy test. A few minutes later, a little plus sign showed.

Clara started to cry when she didn't know what to do and how she would raise her baby while she was in high school. She had never felt this scared in her whole life. She immediately started thinking on how she was going to tell her dads, Carlos and Seb about her pregnancy. She wasn't as sure if she was ready to be a mother while she was still young. After thinking, she was hoping her dads would take the news well.

So, she went downstairs and found her dads on the couch, watching tv.

"Dads?" Clara called to her fathers.

Carlos and Seb paused their show and looked up to see their daughter.

"Hi, honey," Seb said.

Clara was getting nervous, like she was getting sick like before, she wanted to run away and throw up.

"You okay?" Carlos asked.

Clara breathed quietly as it helped her relax when she was gathering up her courage.

"Dads, there's something I wanna tell you both," Clara began as she sat herself down on a chair and faced her dads.

"What is it, Clara?" Seb asked.

Clara took a deep breath to let it all out before she said it...

"I'm pregnant."

The eyes of Carlos and Seb popped wide and they froze as they heard their daughter say those words. Clara was getting more scared.

"I just found out a few minutes ago. I'm so sorry. Please don't be angry," Clara started crying again.

"Angry? No, no, no, baby. We're not angry," Seb said as he and Carlos went to comfort their daughter.

"You're not?" Clara questioned.

"No, we're just scared for you," Carlos said.

The two fathers hugged Clara as she sobbed. Five minutes later, she was calm.

"You feel better?" Carlos asked.

"Mm-hm," Clara nodded.

"Now, are you sure you're pregnant?" Seb questioned.

"Yeah. I took the pregnancy test I bought from a pharmacy on my way home from school. And earlier today, Abby and I were talking about how I might've been. I mean, Benji and I ended our relationship a couple months when he was moving to San Diego because of his dad's job, and I haven't talked to him," Clara explained.

"So, you're saying that Benji's the father?" Seb asked.

"Yes. I haven't been with anyone else afterwards. What am I gonna do? I'm sixteen, I can't be a mother at that age!" Clara started to panic.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay. Even your father and I knew what it was like for us when we were young," Carlos said.

"Um, Carlos?" Seb called his husband.

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