Seblos: Honeymoon Baby

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Requested by @CoraSummers. It's written with Carlos as trans.
(Previously written from the former story)
Carlos Rodriguez and Seb Matthew-Smith had been engaged for about a year and they were a month away from getting married.

They have been in love with each other since they were in high school and did HSM together. Over those years, their relationship went on strong while they were in college together as they worked as a team to achieve for their dreams. Seb had full-time on being a theater actor while Carlos took part-time in between as also a theater actor and a choreographer for musicals.

After they graduated college, they moved to New York for a few years as Seb had a lead role on Broadway and Carlos helped him and the rest of the cast ensemble with the choreography. They both couldn't have done it all without the love and support for each other.

On the last night of the show as everybody was about to say goodbye, Seb gave out a speech to thank the audience for their support and he also thanked the cast and crew, and he even thanked Carlos. That was when Seb asked Carlos to come to the stage and he talked about their love life until he got down on one knee and opened a small box with a ring, and that was also when Seb proposed to Carlos and he accepted.

Afterwards, they decided to take a break from the broadway biz and move back to Salt Lake City, because they wanted to have their wedding planned perfectly with their families and all their friends there. They saved up as much money to buy a house to move in, and after they got settled in, they started wedding planning.

Carlos and Seb couldn't wait to get married, but there was one thing they talked about before Carlos told everyone else who mattered to him... he was a trans man.
*flashback: 10 years earlier*

Seb and Carlos have had dated for about over a year since HSM, and they would always talk about anything. But Carlos had a secret he hadn't told Seb before, and he was thinking about how he was planning to tell his boyfriend. He was getting ready on telling Seb about himself. They were at Carlos' house after school, doing their homework together.

"Hey Seb?" Carlos called to Seb.

"Yeah?" Seb replied as he looked away from his homework.

"I have something important to talk to you about when I should've told you before."

"What is it, Carlos?" Seb asked as he approached up to Carlos on his bed.

"If I tell you, do you promise you won't tell anyone? Not yet at least? I'm just waiting for the right time to tell everyone else about myself, because you're the only one I can trust," Carlos questioned.

"Of course, honey. Anything you wanna tell me," Seb said.

Carlos' heart was beating at a nervous rate, but he took a deep breath to relax until he was ready to let it out in the open as he took Seb's hands.

"Sebastian... I'm trans," Carlos announced.

It shocked Seb by the words Carlos said out loud to him. Then Carlos explained all the details, including how he saw videos about trans men on their experiences of coming out, how his family took the news well after he came out, how he changed his name and a few pieces of his appearance. But he was wearing a binder which meant he did not have surgery on top of his chest yet, and he didn't have the exact parts of a man.

"Wow. I... I had no idea on what you were going through," Seb was feeling speechless.

"I know, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. I wasn't so certain about how I should tell you when we would tell each other anything," Carlos said.

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