Seblos: Someone You Loved Pt. 4

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Side note: I'll be adapting some lines from the scene of Glee when Quinn was giving birth in between parts, but there will little changes during that.
*five months later*

Seb was at nine months pregnant, and his baby was due any time now.

A few months ago, Seb and Carlos told between families and friends that they were back together and gonna have a baby together, and they were happy for the two. Even if they didn't wanna get married yet, their love was as strong as ever and they thought it should be enough for them. A couple weeks later, Carlos had gotten a job of his own while he sometimes would worry about Seb, because he didn't want him to work hard due to his condition. The two were trying to save up some money, so they could buy a house where they would raise their baby. And instead of going back to L.A. since Salt Lake was their home all along, they both decided to apply SLCC later this year, so they could keep things in balance between taking some classes and raising their baby.

Another few weeks later since Seb told Carlos about the pregnancy, they found out they were having a baby girl, and they were so happy that they both had wanted to have a little princess to spoil around. After finding out the gender, they were trying to figure out names for their daughter, but couldn't decide which ones they liked better. With the bump growing, Seb often had trouble fitting into some clothes and Carlos would help him buy some new clothes. Seb would have mood swings and complain about how he thought he was fat, but Carlos calmly told him that he looked beautiful and he would always be beautiful.

Meanwhile around that time, Seb invited Carlos to live with him and share his bedroom at the house by the farm when his parents insisted after they had found an old family crib for the boys to use for the baby. Seb's parents also had a rocking chair, and some old baby toys and clothes for their son and Carlos to use for their baby to have, because they wanted to traditionally save some baby stuff for when their children would have started their own families.

On Seb's last night of working at the restaurant, he was finally taking some time off from it with his baby arriving soon. Whenever Carlos was at work, he told Seb he needed to stay off of his feet, and Seb's parents agreed with him. Over the last few months of his pregnancy, Seb hated the fact that nobody would let him help out, even on the farm, but they would wanted for him to rest before the baby arrived.

Seb was in the bedroom, relaxing in bed with his hand resting and rubbing circles on his huge belly. He felt a lot of kicks and other movements for a little while these days, though it could get uncomfortable whenever his little girl was being active inside sometimes. Then he heard his phone ringing, and he looked over to see Carlos was calling to check up on him just as he answered.

"Hi honey!" Seb greeted happily.

"Hi baby! You doing okay?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah. How's work going?" Seb asked.

"It's going alright. How's our baby girl?" Carlos couldn't thinking of his and Seb's unborn daughter.

"Not gonna lie, she's been pretty active nonstop, and it kind of drives me crazy a little," Seb informed while looking down at his belly.

"Aw, I'm sorry, babe. I know how much it sucks that it's taking forever to wanting the baby out of you, but you're almost there. I'm really proud of you."

"Thank you. You know, the last few months after we broke things off were rough on me, but I was so glad we got back together when Greyson said he was cool with it."

"So was I. I thought I had moved on since I came back to Salt Lake. But in the aftermath, I just couldn't stop thinking about you. And now, I still can't, because of how much I love you," Carlos told him.

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