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"Good morning Thena" Gavi says while sitting at the island kitchen watching her cook breakfast. "Morning g want some coffee, you seem dead" she asked while putting some coffee in a cup for him. "Please I am dead couldn't sleep with Pedri snoring next door" He says taking the coffee from her

"You heard it to I thought I was the only one" They both hear from the hallway. "I was gonna kill myself like for real this time" Jobe said sitting next to Gavi

"Here this is for you and please don't kill yourself we would all be traumatized more" She says with a happy smile

"Why are you so happy you hate mornings" Gavi asked grabbing the milk and a spoon for his coffee

"I'm just having a good day life been good so far" She says with a bright smile on her face

"No you always say you hate your life in the mornings what's actually going on" Gavi says while looking at her weird

"No I don't" she said while her face dropped scared they might know before she tells them

"Thena I've known you since we were children and it's hundred percent true. Plus you haven't been this happy since you got that bike when you were 10" Jobe said looking at her suspicious wondering what was going on

"Ya and I've never seen you this happy so tell us what's going on" Gavi says while giving her his full attention so she could tell them

"You guys have to wait only for a little bit longer" She says giving them their plate that had their food on it

"Fine and thank you for the food" Gavi says with a thankful smile

"Of course g" She says while giving him a smile

"You made breakfast" Pedri said from the hallway confused

"Yea want some" She says taking out a plate for him so she could serve him

"Sure but you hate cooking in the mornings and you also hate mornings" He says taking the plate from her. "Right we thought this was weird too" Jobe said while looking up from his phone

"Can you guys shut up cause now this is getting annoying" she says looking up at them with an annoyed look

"There she is our girl we were getting worried there for a second" Gavi says with a teasing smile

"See this is why I'm not nice in the mornings, you guys always seem to ruin it" she says rolling her eyes trying to stay mad at them

"Come you got to admit it looked unnatural, we just helped out a bit" Jobe said while taking about of his food

"Good morning everyone" they all hear Jude say coming into the kitchen

"Hey jay" Jobe said to his brother not even acknowledging him

He goes next to Athena and gives her a cute smile. "Hey beautiful" he says to her quietly so only she could hear

"You guys know we're still here. I just want to eat that's all" Gavi says looking like we was about to throw up

"You guys are being really touchy today like more then normal" Pedri said looking at them suspiciously

"Can't I be next to my girlfriend" Jude said confidently looking at the boys

It was silent, they were all shocked. Even she was shocked from him being so straight forward. "You're lying. Tell me your joking" Jobe says shocked that his brother and his childhood bestie were dating

"Jude Victor William Bellingham you did not just do that" she says still shocked but raising her eyes brows giving him like a warning

"Wait that's your full name" Pedri says not even caring about the news before and was about to laugh. "Your mom does not like you I'm sorry" he says dying of laughter

(𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃) 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄, Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now