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we go all the snacks all the drinks know tell us please" Gavi begs the girl for the story

"Dude your so impatient hold on I have to get my drinks" Athena said trying to rush so the boy could stop whining

"I'm sorry it was just so weird to see you guys talk" Gavi apologizes for rushing her

"So when I was seven years old my dad got a job offer in the UK. So he took me my mom and my sister over there. I was scared because I'll be going somewhere completely new and I know no one there. When we finally moved in there was this little boy with his brother mom and dad. They all came over to welcome us to the neighborhood, turns out me and this little boy had so much in common. We both like scary movies futbol and many other things" Athena says looking at the boys the whole time she tells half of the story

"So we became friends. We both had huge dreams he wanted to be a football player and I wanted to be an actor. We both worked hard to be what we wanted. We made a pact saying that if one of our dreams come true then we support each other no matter what. So that's what I did he moved away so he could go to the best football school and I stayed back. We were thirteen at the time so he moved I stayed. We kinda started to drift away but I still supported him. Til one day I got my big role. I got the thing that I wanted for so long at the age of fifteen. We both forgot about each other because we were to busy following our dreams" she add finishing the story

"So that's how me and Jude know each other" she says smiling at the boys who she just told the story of her and her childhood best friend

"Wow thats just uh wow" Gavi say shocked by there story

"So you guys just stopped talking like that" Pedri asked

"Ya we did but now we are in contact again" she says telling the boy

"Oh good because if you weren't I would have cried" Gavi says being dramatic

"That's means your going to replace us" Pedri says hugging the girl being dramatic as well

"Trust me I'll never forget you guys" she says hugging the both

"Hey super weird and crazy idea" Gavi starts off

"Oh no last time you said this you made me FaceTime Neymar" Athena says still remembering that day

"Hey that was a fun day plus Neymar is hot do you blame me" Gavi says proving his point

"So what I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted I was going to say that we should ask Jude to hang out with us" Gavi says finishing his thought

"I don't know what if he's not even awake" she says feeling nervous about the idea

"Athena it's 7pm who goes to sleep at 7" Pedri says teasing her

"You'll be surprised" she says trying to ignore them

"Please Athena Please I won't stop saying please til you do it" Gavi says trying to annoy her

"Fine I'll do it" she mumbled grabbing her phone from her back pocket

She type in Jude's name to the search bar. She found his contact and called him. There was a long ring she hoped he didn't pick up. But sadly he did

(𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃) 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄, Jude BellinghamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ