2.Your Fcking Mess!🔥

Start from the beginning

He picked it up and mumbled a hello in a small voice.

Skin slapping sounds and grunts and moans can be heard.

Taehyung closed his eyes  as his chest rised up down,his breath quivered

“what took you so long to attend a call?"Jungkook's deep voice heard
on the other side

Taehyung felt shivers run down his spine as he tried to answer him without stuttering.

“i-i- i was in..my room sir"
Taehyung stuttered

Jungkook groaned deeply as he cursed at the end.

The muffled moans and screams of the girls can be heard.

“FCKING SHUT UP!!"Jungkook shouted in the back

Jungkook's Loud voice made taehyung almost drop the phone ..

“i'll be there at 12 heat the dinner for me"Jungkook said and cut the call.

Taehyung is still standing there shaking while holding the landline


Like Jungkook said at sharp 12 he walked inside the house shirtless and a cigar inbetween his lips

His eyes soon landed on the maid
who walked out of the kitchen to the dining table with a glass of water in his hand.

Taehyung's eyes landed on Jungkook

Even though he is shaking inside he didn't showed it on his facial features

Jungkook poked his tongue on his cheek as he saw Taehyung place the glass of water on the table and standing near the table waiting for him.

He sure have guts to be calm and unaffected like this

As far as his experience, anyone on
Taehyung's situation will be trying to seduce him and dig ways for his money

But this maid sure is a different one

Jungkook sat on the chair before the dining table and smoked..

Taehyung moved the dishes closer and began to serve him the food.

Jungkook's dark orbs just stared at the naive maid before him.

"You ate?"Jungkook asked and blew the smoke past his lips.

"Yes sir"Taehyung mumbled in a small voice not looking at him at all.

Taehyung kept a hand on his mouth and coughed after inhaling the cigarette smoke.

Jungkook took a last puff and crushed the bud

Jungkook began to eat and taehyung's eyes roamed on the man's features

Always looking like a Greek god
with those strong muscles,broad shoulders,a full sleeve tattoo,
which reaches upto his chest and veins prominent on his rough hands
His hard eight packs twisted taehyung's tummy as he looked away from Jungkook gulping

‘He doesn't have mercy,
He is cold like hell,
He has anger issues,
An Alcoholic,Smoker and an womaniser,fcking pe'rvert and not even in dreams should even think of a man like him Taehyung

Should find a man who will take care of you like a flower and keep you safe in his arms'Taehyung thought and nodded to himself

"What is running in your mind princess?"Jungkook asked in his drunk slurry voice looking up at him with his dark orbs

The name made taehyung swallow and look away from him flustered

“thinking of what to cook tomorrow Sir"Taehyung answered in a small voice.

Maid-2 (Forced) TKWhere stories live. Discover now