Infiltrating the Bloodshot Stronghold.

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Y/n pov

After informing us that Roland was her ex, Lilith decided to tell us what her plan is.

Lilith:"Before the Bloodshots grabbed him Roland was collecting info on the vault and what Jack plans to do with it. I gotta head back to Sanctuary, keep the city in once piece while Roland's away."

Lilith said as she walked around her lair before approaching us.

Lilith:"But first, i'm gonna teleport you guys right in the middle of the Bloodshot stronghold. That's where they're keeping Roland. You'll catch em by surprise and have a real advantage. It'll be great. Hold still."

After Lilith attempted to teleport us, and I really cannot stress the 'attempted' enough. We reappeared about 10, maybe 20 feet to the right.

Lilith:"I just moved you guys like 10 feet didn't I? Sorry, still getting used to this. Oh! That reminds me, the Bloodshot Stronghold is full of some real tough customers. You might want to train a bit before you take em on."

We started walking out of the cave Lilith put us in and found out way out.

Lilith:"You're doing great out there by the way. Keep it up."

As we exited Frostburn Canyon, Lilith spoke to us once more.

Lilith:"Alright killers, I'm back in Sanctuary. Be careful, the Bloodshots are camped out all around the dam. You'll want to grab a vehicle to soak up some bullets for you."

Y/n:"Alright. Let's get on with it."

   I said as we approached a nearby catch-a-ride station. Digistrucing the vehicles I grabbed onto the bars on the side of one and we made our way to the Bloodshot dam.
   As we approached the dam I noticed things seemed empty.

Y/n:"Does it seem a little unguarded to anyone else?"

Salvador:"Yeah. It's weird. Bandits never leave their outposts unguarded."

At that, Lilith made a comment.

Lilith:"Looks like nobody's home. Just drive up and honk your horn. Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

We drove up and honked the horn of one of the cars. A guy over the intercom spoke.

Intercom guy:"Yeah yeah! I'm opening the gate!"

The gate began to slowly open. But then, since the universe hates everyone and everything, the leader of the Bloodshots spoke up again.

Flank steak:"Hold it idiots! That don't look like one of our technicals. Their here for our hostage! Get em!"

After he said that, a small group of bandits and a manned gun turret popped up over the wall. We drove off quickly and then Scooter spoke.

Scooter:"Mm-mm! You ain't getting into the  dam that way, peppernip! The Bloodshots ain't letting you in without a truck like theirs. Go see my kin out in the dust, she can hook you up with some skeevy looking wheels. Mm-mm!"

After he said that, we started heading for The Dust.

Scooter:"Ellie's way out in bandit country. Be careful out there amigos. I mean it."

After he said that, we began to finally drive for The Dust. After a gruelling several hours of driving later, we arrived in The Dust.

Scooter:"Finally made it to The Dust huh? You been off the echo for hours I thought you mighta got brained or something. But you ain't so yay. And stuff."

   We could see a large junkyard in the distance with a bright sign that said 'Ellie's' over it. Driving for it, we entered the junkyard and saw a rather large woman standing before a car crusher. Inside it was a bunch of random scrap metal and a car. That still had the driver inside it.

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