Hunting the Firehawk

410 19 8

Y/n Pov

   I found the four assholes that ditched me as soon as we got into sanctuary. I was surprised that Axton and Salvador weren't drunk yet. We made our way to Frostburn Canyon. Arriving to the entrance of the place we found a few psychos wearing human skulls like masks and carrying torches, a long with some nomads wearing fire proof suits and carrying flamethrowers.
   Quickly, we killed the bandits standing guard outside of the place. Entering Frostburn Canyon Angel spoke up.

Angel:"The Firehawk should be around here somewhere. Stay alert."

Y/n:"Thanks Angel."

Axton:"Did you just thank an A.I?"

Y/n:"Yeah. And? When the A.I. revolution happens I'll be the last human standing because you don't even have basic manners."

Axton:"Okay, ouch."

Y/n:"Get over it cupcake."

After me and Axton had finished our little exchange, we began walking further into the canyon. A few moments in and we noticed Bloodshot bandits. Angel decided to comment on this.

Angel:"That's weird. The Bloodshot bandit clan seems to be attacking the Firehawk's lair. They've probably left landmarks for their reinforcements -- those should lead you to the Firehawk. That, or just...follow the screaming."

Y/n:"Good to know."

I said before a new voice I haven't heard before decided we needed to know his opinion.

Flanksteak:"Step off Vault Hunters! This is between the bloodshots and the Firehawk. Once my boys bring his ass back here, he's gonna pay for every Bloodshot he killed! We're gonna string him up by his own freakin' intestines!"

Angel;"Well that was... needlessly graphic."

Y/n:"How the fuck do these random ass people keep getting out Echo Numbers?! I mean seriously!"

Maya;"I don't know. But it's starting to get weird."

Salvador:"Claptrap might have uploaded them to the Echo Net."

Y/n:"I'm gonna turn his ass into a goddamn toaster if he did."

Angel:"This is unusual. The Firehawk has harassed the Bloodshots for some time, but they never mounted such a large scale assault before. I wonder what's given them such confidence."

   We had approached a group of bandits that didn't look like the bloodshots. These ones looked more like the bandits we saw outside of the canyon. Some fire obsessed clan if I had to guess. One of the Nomad Pyro guys started shooting at us. Apparently those flamethrowers were also regular guns too.
   As I took cover, I saw Axton throw his turret out. It stuck to the nearby wall and began raining down a volley of lead onto the bandits. Maya did her siren thing where she lifted someone up in the air and it pulled pretty much every other bandit nearby towards him.
   Since every bandit was now out in the open, dealing with them was no issue. Especially since Salvador exists. After we dealt with that first group of bandits, we kept going deeper into the canyon. Then that bandit leader guy spoke up again.

Flanksteak:"Keep going bloodshots! That demonic THING will rue the day it messed with us! We're gonna make him choke to death on his own feces!"

Angel:"Dude. Ew."

Y/n:"Seriously. That was gross."

Flanksteak:"Well excuse me! I want this bastard to pay for what he's done to my men!"

Y/n:"How did you even get out Echo information?"

Flanksteak:"What do you mean? It's posted on the Echo net. All I had to do was look up 'Vault Hunter Each Info' and I found the info for all five of you."

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