Taking Down A Pyromaniac

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   As I watched Claptrap approach a gate, he saw it was locked and got mad.

Claptrap:"Rggh! Ragged, flagged locked gate! Oh! Idea! Minion, get on that cannon!"

   Claptrap said that and all five of us rushed for the cannon. Zero ended up being the person? Robot? Alien? The thing that used the cannon.

Claptrap:"Now, just shoot this door down but-"

   Claptrap didn't finish his sentence as Zero shot the cannon. A smiley face emoticon popping up on his mask. Huh. Okay then.
   After the gate opened, a bunch of bandits came rushing through. Given that Zero was still on the cannon, most of them died before they had a chance to fight back.  Any who managed to survive a cannon shot was quickly gunned down by the rest of us.

Axton:"We should probally catch up to Claptrap.

Y/n:"Okay but, do we have to?"

Angel:"Yes. You do."

Y/n:"Fine! Let's go save the glorified garbage can."

   I said as we began walking forward. I could see a massive ship perched on top of an iceberg. It had a giant dragon on one side the was periodically breathing fire. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Captain Flynt probally likes fire.

Maya:"So we need to invade a massive bandit camp, find the robot, make our way up there, and kill the guy at the top?"

Y/n:"Sounds like a video game when you put it like that."

Axton:"You know, it kinda does."

   We could see a small group of bandits shooting at a bunch of Rakk. We just ignored them and went straight for the ship.

Claptrap:"So uh, I might have tried to stage a mutiny on Captain Flynt's ship before the flash freeze. Which explains why his men are currently beating tje crap out of me. Right guys?"

Bandit:"SHUT UP!"


   We finally approached the gate and Captain Flynt decided to speak to us again.

Captain Flynt:"So,Claptrap's got a new friend huh? Gotta say I miss the little hunk a junk. The noises he made when we set him on fire, brings a tear to my eye."

   After he said that, the gate opened up and there were like, two guards. They were both midgets. One had a shotgun ans the other had one of those buzzsaw axes. Yeah they died quickly.
   After those two had been dealt with, the rest of the bandits must have heard the commotion because they all came running out of their huts. Zero dissappeared. Axton threw out his turrent and dived for cover. Salvador just stood there and pulled out a second gun while Maya, being a Siren, did Siren things. Like, putting a guy in a giant purple bubble. Yeah Salvador turned that gut into a puddle quickly.
   What did I do? I got behind a chunk of metal. Peeking out every few seconds to shoot someone. After we killed all the bandits, we took a minute to see what kind of guns they had. They were all haphazardly made guns that I feel like shouldn't be able to fire.
   I picked up an assault rifle. I needed something with a bit more range than the Hornet. The thing had a massive magazine, holding over 50 rounds. Also, the bandits don't seem to know how to spell 'beater' apparently.

Y/n:"Who the fuck made this thing?"

Salvador:"The bandit's did. They take apart other guns for parts and use them to make these."

Y/n:"Why not just use the gun that was already made by someone who knows how to make them?"

Salvador:"Trust me amigo. You are asking a question with no answer."

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