"Have some mooncakes Xiao Bai~" the assassin nudged the plate of mooncakes closer to the informant.

"I'll brew some tea to go with the mooncakes then.." Bai Feng was about to get up but Xiao Tian grabbed his hand.

"We should have enough drinks if you're worried about that~" the assassin cheekily put another jar on the table.

"How much are you planning to drink tonight?" the cedar-haired man looked at Xiao Tian in disbelief.

"It'll be fine ^^" the short-haired assassin took a piece of the mooncake Bai Feng just cut and hummed in approval.

The night went by slowly as the pair watched the picturesque full moon high up in the sky. Bai Feng sighed, closing his eyes as his vision started to get fuzzy. The faint buzz in his head is now pleasant, numbing the anxiousness he has been feeling these few weeks.

The cedar-haired beauty then loosened his hanfu by instinct, trying to cool off his body's rising temperature. Not knowing where to look, Xiao Tian cleared his throat. Though he couldn't help but glance at the informant's slender neck which had flushed slightly peach in color.

Then his eyes traveled upwards, now staring at Bai Feng's rosy-tinted lips. He recalled the feeling when they last shared a kiss, but the assassin quickly shook those dangerous thoughts away.

How can a man look this beautiful? ..Is the alcohol getting to me? Thought Xiao Tian.

Suddenly Bai Feng opened his stunning golden eyes and stared at the short-haired assassin. The informant then threw himself onto the masked man, both his arms wrapping around Xiao Tian's neck. Their cups were knocked over and their treats were scattered everywhere. But the both of them were in a trance, they couldn't break away from each other's gaze.

Nothing seemed to matter at the time. They were getting closer and closer as Bai Feng leaned onto him. Xiao Tian was lost, staring at the beautiful golden irises, not knowing what to do with Bai Feng.

"HNN..I always wonder... Why the hell do you always have this damn mask on! Even when eating and drinking! How absurd!" slurred Bai Feng before letting out a small hiccup. Did Xiao Bai just curse? He's.. definitely drunk, thought the onyx-haired assassin.

Xiao Tian then wrapped his arm around Bai Feng's waist to keep him steady and asked,

"Does my mask bother you?" the assassin teased

"I've known you for a year and yet.." Bai Feng's words slurred.

"Oh? So you are interested in seeing my face—"

"What if I say yes? Will you show me?" asked the informant straightforwardly.

Those words made Xiao Tian stunned in place, he never thought alcohol would affect Bai Feng this much. The cedar-haired man buried his face in Xiao Tian's neck, his soft breaths tickling the assassin ever so slightly.

璧玉之輪 | Fortuitous JadeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя