The boys each took one and after sniffing it, they took bites.

“These tastes nice.” Lily said.

“Mmm.” Regulus nodded.

The four of them ate the brownies and drank some more, the camera moved toward the other side of the warehouse where there were a small stage and people who singing.

“Okay, okay.” A man on the stage with bright orange hair came to speak on the mic after the music died down. “Give it up for Aston!” the crowd cheered and yelled for the singer as she waved before stepping off stage.

“Whoo!” Cathy shouted.

“This is actually a pretty cool party.” Sirius commented.

“Wait for the main attraction though.” Lily told him.

“Now, while she rests her voice…the party’s gotta keep going so someone’s gonna have to step up.” The man said. The crowd looked at each other and murmurs and voices started to be head from the crowd. “Come on…somebody wants to step up or should I just pick? You don’t have to sound good, most of the people hear a completely smashed and just need some noise to keep from blacking out.”

People in the crowd laughed at the joke.

“This is one of those karaoke parties?” Cathy asked Lily.

“I guess it is.” Lily nodded. “Or maybe they just want someone up there for a laugh.”

“I wonder who’s the poor bloke they’ll get to go up there and sing.” Severus chuckled as he took a bite of another brownie.

“How about one of you in the back?” the man was pointing over to the table that the four of them were sitting.

“Huh?” Severus looked startled and surprised when everyone turned to them.

“We’re good.” Cathy declined.

“You hear that, they’re good!” the man shouted and the entire crowd cheered.

“That’s not what I meant.” Cathy said but her voice was completely drowned out by the music. When she saw that the crowd now wanted one of them to sing, she quickly turned to Severus, Lily and Regulus. “Shit! What do we do?”

“I think they want you to go up there and sing.” Lily told her.

“Oh, I love where this is going.” James smiled wickedly.

“What? I don’t want to sing. Why should it be me anyway?”

“I get stage fright.” Lily said.

Cathy turned to Regulus and he shook his head. “I don’t know the lyrics to any muggle songs.”

“Sev?” Cathy turned to the older Slytherin boy as a last resort.

“I’ll slit my wrists before I take one step on that stage.” He told her as he took another bite of the brownie he just picked up.

“You told me that you listen to the muggle radio in you family, so you should be fine.” Lily said.

Cathy shot Lily a dangerous look. “I need to stop telling you things.”

“So, which one of you is coming up?” The man on the stage questioned.

Cathy sent all her friends one more pleading look and found that none of them would make eye contact with her.

“Pricks.” Cathy mumbled before she raised her hand and started to make her way up to the stage.

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