Chapter 2: Spread Your Wings & Fly

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I had made a plan with Icicle and willowmint, we would be leaving at night when the moon is at its peak in the sky.

We packed a small pouch full of things like scrolls, herbs for treating wounds, and other sentimental items. So, once the moon was high in the sky, the three of us spread our wings and took off into the night sky.

"Hay, Ice? Where are we headed now?" Willowmint asked, staring at me with curious stormy blue eyes. I frowned and put my talons on my chin in thought.

"What about we head to the SeaWing kingdom?" I suggested after a few moments of silence, my two friends thought it over for a moment before they both nodded theirs heads in agreement.

"How long will it take to get there?" Icicle asked, after a few moments of silence, I just shrugged my wings in response.

"It will probably take a few days to get there, I mean, the IceWing Kingdom and the SeaWing Kingdom are on opposite sides of Pyrrhia." I replied, after thinking it over for a few minutes.

"How did you figure that out in only a few minutes?!" Icicle exclaimed, staring at me with wide wyes. I just laughed quietly at Icicle.

"I don't know, I mean, they are pretty far from one another, but I'm just guessing." I replied, after a moment of silence.

"Three Moons! You're really smart, Ice." Willow said, joining the conversation. I smiled shyly and ducked my head.

"Not really, I just read a lot of scrolls, that's all." I replied with a small smile. I never really liked being put on the spot.

It took us about two days of nonstop flying to get to the ocean. We flew past clear blue water that shined like emeralds in the sunlight.

"Oh my goodness! The ocean is so amazing and HUGE!" Icicle exclaimed, staring down at the rippling water under her talons.

We had landed on a white sandy beach that had small waves lapping near the shoreline. It was all so new and breathtakingly gorgeous.

"How are we going to find the palace if none of us can dive down there?!" Willowmint asked, as she looked out over the expanse of searingly never ending water.

"I'm not sure, none of us can swim. They don't teach us those kinds of things in the IceWing Kingdom," I replied, flicking my tail in slight annoyance.

"Ice, you silly dragon, we know how to swim remember? Your mother taught us," Icicle replied, smiling cheekily at me. I smiled sheepishly and looked down at my talons.

"Yeah, I guess I forgot." I replied with a small laugh. I then turned to stare out at the ocean with wide eyes. It was breathtaking to look at.

"So, will we live in the SeaWing Kingdom if Queen Bluebell says yes?" Willowmint asked, tilting her head to the side. I shrugged my wings in response.

"I'm not sure, Willow. I think we'll stay for a while and see how we like it." I replied, as I returned my gaze to the ocean.

"We have to ask Queen Bluebell first before we do anything though," Icicle chimed in, and I nodded my head in agreement with her statement.

"You make a good point there, Icicle." Willowmint remarked with a small smile.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go do some deep water diving!" Icicle exclaimed, as she dived gracefully into the water, with me and Willow following close behind.

We dived down and swam past groups of fish and bright yellow anemone, it was all breathtakingly gorgeous. I stared at everything as we continued swimming.

We eventually had to swim up back to the surface to breath, we did this about four or five times.

"Three Moons! We'll never find the SeaWing palace at this rate," Icicle exclaimed, her tail thrashing angrily. I sighed and shook myself dry, trying to smooth my spikes back in place.

"What are three IceWings doing all the way out here?" The three of us looked to see a SeaWing about our age walk in. With her scales a light blue, aqua green wing membranes and eyes. I couldn't deny she looked pretty.

"Who are you?" I asked while looking up at the SeaWing dragonet. She grinned cheekily at us as she spoke up.

"The name's Tempest," she said, though with a conceal smile and a nod of her head in greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tempest. My name's Icefire, and these are my friends, Icicle and Willowmint." I said, smiling warmly at the SeaWing.

"You mean Princess Icefire," Icicle said while smiling cheekily at me and I just sighed and rolled my eyes.

"You're a princess?" Tempest said with wide eyes, I smiled shyly and slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah, I am." I said quietly as I looked down at my talons, my face beefing up in embarrassment.

"We were wanting to speak with Queen Bluebell, but we have no idea where the SeaWing palace is located." I said, successfully changing the topic. Tempest smiled widely and spoke up.

"I can help you get there, can you all swim?" She asked and we all nodded. She smiled and we all took a deep breath and dived back into the water.

We eventually came to a small aria of rushing water which Tempest said was called Angel Falls. "Three Moons! This is so amazing! You guys live here?" I asked in both amazement and aww, Tempest just nodded her head in confirmation.

"Where is the SeaWing palace anyway? Is it under water or above the water?" Willowmint asked, tilting her head to the side curiously. Tempest laughed quietly and replied after a short while.

"It's under water of course, that's how we stay safe and hidden." The SeaWing replied with flap of her wings and an amused smile on her face.

The water parted around Tempest as she plunged into the water. I watched as the SeaWing swam through the water as gracefully as a dolphin, I smiled as I swam faster, catching up with Tempest, who smiled brightly at me.

"You swim pretty fast and swiftly for an IceWing," Tempest commented and I laughed and explained to her that I was a SeaWing/IceWing hybrid.

"That makes sense now, how you weave and dive in the water and how you were able to catch those fish so easily." Tempest said, and I nodded my head with a wide smile on my face.

"That's cool! I wish I was a hybrid, it sounds like a lot of fun!" Tempest exclaimed with a flash of her luminescent scales. I shook my head and chuckled softly

"I guess it is fun, isn't it?" I remark with a small laugh and Tempest nods rapidly in response to my comment. We then swam on in silence as we got closer to the SeaWing Palace.

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