✨Chapter 6✨

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As y/n and wolfgang arrived at the base (kaos guest castle), they were out of breath "Ha! i win" wolfgang said proudly but was exhausted, "Fine, fine! you win!" y/n replies while out of breath, they both chuckled slightly.

As y/n and wolfgang entered the guest castle, the rest of the doom raiders looked over with there eyes widened and with a huge smile, "Y/N!" they all yelled while tackling y/n to the ground for a hug, y/n giggles slightly, "Ok, ok, i am here, now can you guys please get off before my life flashes before my eyes, please?" y/n asks jokingly, as everyone got off wolfgang walks beside y/n and offers to help her up, "Need a hand?" wolfgang asks while putting his hand out, y/n decides to grab wolfgangs hand, "Thanks wolfgang" y/n replies with a slight smile.

As wolfgang helped y/n up everyone of the doom raiders looked at them with awe, "ooo, looks like someone has a crush" dream catcher replies with a grin, wolfgang blushes slightly, y/n looks up at wolfgang and noticed him blushing and looks back at the others, "Well we are together actually" y/n replies, everyones eyes widened, "For Real?!!" they asks, y/n giggles slightly and wolfgang looks away while blushing slightly and decides to look back at them, "Yeah, so what? y/n is my girlfriend now." wolfgang replies while putting his arms around y/n in a protective way.

While everyone cheered for them, wolfgang decides to sit down on the stair case and play his guitar and y/n decides to sit right next to him and vibe with him and his music, After a while of chilling kaos suddenly walks in and wolfgang looks over and growls slightly and y/n noticed kaos and puts her hand on wolfgangs arm, "Don't worry wolfgang, he isn't worth it" y/n whispers loudly into wolfgangs ear, wolfgang let out a small sigh, "I guess your right" wolfgang replies giving y/n a slight smile, y/n gives wolfgang a slight smile back, as they continued to chat wolfgang then noticed kaos doesn't have any hair and quickly nudged y/n, "Yeah? whats up?" y/n asks, wolfgang pointed towards kaos, "look he doesn't have any hair now, doesn't that seem off to you?" wolfgang asks, y/n decides to look over, "Well, does look like karma hit him pretty hard" y/n replies, wolfgang chuckles slightly, "yeah, well at least golden queen isn't around, cause i have someone way better" wolfgang replies while putting his arms around y/n.

Y/n blushed slightly, "You cheeky little wolf, you are just precious" y/n replies with a slight chuckle, wolfgang chuckles back slightly, "Ok, ok, enough with the cheesiness, lets have some fun now" wolfgang replies while leading y/n to the stair case.

-Time passes-

After a while of having fun, wolfgang decides to grab a bat and hit some stuff with it while dream catcher launches stuff at wolfgang, y/n decides to sit down and chill next to wolfgang, but y/n noticed that kaos was walking towards wolfgang, "Yo, wolfgang! what up, dawg!" kaos said while 'trying' to sound cool, y/n quickly sits up while raising a eye brow, "dawg?" wolfgang asks while jumps down in front of kaos, "I'm a werewolf, Don't you ever get the two confused" wolfgang said while putting his hands on his sides, y/n decides to get up and walk next to wolfgang, "Sorry! y-you know, i just thought, you know, now that we're, uh, we're gonna be roommates that, uh, we were, you know, homies, too!" kaos replies while putting his hand out but quickly pulls back when wolfgang took a step closer, "We ain't homies... And we definitely ain't roommates! [points at kaos] This is our place now." wolfgang replies while howling and laughing and walks towards y/n.

As wolfgang walked towards y/n he noticed y/n was holding something, "What you got there?" wolfgang asks, y/n decides to turn around, "Is this my sketch book? i have been wondering where it was for a while now." y/n asks, wolfgang looks at y/n for a moment and started to blush slightly, "well, i-i, uhm, you see... i-i" wolfgang said but was interrupted, "wolfgang, if you just said that you had it this whole time, you should have just said so, my silly wolf" y/n said while scratching him, wolfgang started to tap his foot on the floor but pulls away from y/n, "Ok, ok quiet it, i ain't a puppy!" wolfgang said with a pout, y/n looks at wolfgang "Aww, how cute that you thought that" y/n replies, wolfgang looks away blushing slightly, "W-whatever" wolfgang replies, y/n decides to walk up to wolfgang, "You know that your not a pup, and that i don't think of you like one either, i just rather give the one i love the attention and love he needs." y/n replies with a smile and wagging her tail slightly, wolfgang decides to look back at y/n, "Alright, alright, lets continue having fun, huh?" wolfgang replies, y/n chuckles slightly, "Yea, sure thing wolfgang." y/n replies while giving wolfgang a kiss on his forehead.

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