Start from the beginning

Minho turned towards hoseok. "Since wedding is around the corner, I will forget this matter as of now. When I get to know who's behind this I'll not spare that person." Minho said eyeing hoseok.

Hoseok gulped. Minho left. Everyone released the breath which they knew they were holding.

Hoseok ran towards chaewon and hugged him.




"Thank god, none of you are involved in the car incident." Dahyun said getting the clothes out from wardrobe.

Hoseok looked away. Taehyung helped his mom. "You aren't involved, are you ?" Dahyun asked suspiciously.

"Of course not, mom." Taehyung said.
"We were not at all present anywhere close to that place." Taehyung looked towards hoseok.

"Hyung's name gets spoilt just like that." Tae suppressed his laugh. Hoseok gestured him to keep quite.

Dahyun set the clothes on bed.

"Get ready fast. These are wedding clothes. Groom's family is on their way" Dahyun said.

Hoseok said the clothes and accessories in awe. "Wow mom, such beautiful clothes and exquisite accessories. Did you rob a bank ?" Hoseok asked.

"Shut up ! Your aunt has given this." Dahyun said. Hoseok tried the accessories.

"Borrowed clothes, borrowed accessories." Taehyung said picking up the suit.

"Borrowed richness, borrowed life. But we have to keep up with it." Taehyung said in mocking tone.

Hoseok looked at him warningly. "Otherwise, because of substandard people like us uncle's reputation has to suffer." Taehyung said going towards mirror.

Dahyun looked dejected. Taehyung spoke while trying the suit.

"Had our dad been alive he would have bought us our own clothes and accessories."

Dahyun looked down. Hoseok saw this and said "Is that so ? Taehyung" hoseok went near Taehyung.

"If you can't wear those clothes then it's a good thing. Give this to me I'll wear it." Hoseok said snatching the suit.

Taehyung grabbed it. "No." "Why not ?" Hoseok said.

"Now you are okay with it aren't you ?" Hoseok said. Seeing their antics Dahyun laughed loudly.

Hoseok looked at his mom. He smiled at his mom. "You both are mad. Crazy boys." She said.

Hoseok and taehyung smiled. Hoseok kept his arm on taehyung's shoulder. "We are crazy boys from gwangju and our mom's boys.." hoseok stopped saying when he saw his mother's medicine bottle on drawer.

"Mom." Hoseok said going near the drawer and he picked the empty bottle.

"When did your insulin dose get over ?" He asked. "Last night." Dahyun said.

"Wait, let me get money from uncle." Hoseok said going out but Dahyun stopped him.

"Hoseok" He turned around. "Forget it for today." She said. "Why so ?" He asked.

She went near him. "Hoseok my diabetes won't worsen in one day. Your uncle is not in a good mood due to issue of the car. And the stunt you pulled on stage he's still angry on it. I don't want you to go to him now." Dahyun said calmly and left.

Hoseok looked towards Taehyung who shrugged.




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