29 - seen by Charlie

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Seen by Charlie. That was all that it said. No response, not even a heart, just seen.

Nick sighted. He'd been staring at his DM with Charlie for the past 2 days, hoping a response would somehow magically appear. But of course that didn't happen.

He put his phone down on his sheets and fell flat down on his face. Grunting as he hit the bed. He had either really ruined it with Charlie or Charlie was being an absolute twat.

He lay like this for a couple of minutes, until his head started to hurt and he really had to get up.

He walked towards the community kitchen and filled a glass with water. He put the glass down on his desk and opened his laptop. There was one week left to finish his graduation project. And he still had to finish writing his conclusion, check all of the spelling and make sure all sources were documented correctly following the apa-rules.

Although that might not seem like much, for Nick it felt like an impossible task that he was never going to finish on time. Especially since his spelling was absolutely horrible.

Back at Truham, Charlie always used to check his papers for spelling mistakes. But now that Charlie wasn't here, this was something that he had to do himself. But first, he needed to finish writing his conclusion.

About 30 minutes later, Nick had written an extraordinary amount of 5 sentences. He couldn't concentrate. He could only think about Charlie and this stupid DM.

"Argh.." he sighed. Why did this boy have such a huge impact on him? Why couldn't he just let go and leave Charlie behind him, just like he'd done with him, apparently? 

And that's exactly what he was going to do.

He got up and took his phone off his bed. He opened Instagram, went to his DM's with Charlie and DELETED his message.

Not that it really made any difference, Charlie had already seen his message and there was nothing he could do to change that. But it still felt good. If Charlie was gonna ignore his kind message, then he wasn't even worth receiving it in the first place.

Nick released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding as he placed his phone down and went back to work on his paper.

When I Look Into Your Eyes (An AU Heartstopper Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant