A frown covered Vikram's face. "Trisha Seni?"

"She's a famous model and an aspiring actress who has good family connections and background. She's your mother's good friend's daughter, and your mother mentioned that she already sent Trisha's picture to you. And... Trisha Seni herself has called me to check if you could meet her for dinner tonight. Now that the flight has been delayed..."

Vikram's frown grew.

Pooja hurriedly explained. "I-I know you hate mixing personal things with business. But Mrs. Saaho was insistent. I'm sorry, Vikram."

Vikram knew that although his mother was gentle in nature, she could be pretty assertive in many things, especially when it came to trying to find a perfect match for her elder son. And considering she has been sending him various pictures of eligible women for the past three years, her patience was running low along with her worry.

Even if Vikram had the inclination to marry, at twenty-nine years, he was hardly that old. He worked hard for endless hours, putting in almost a hundred hours a week to further build on the empire his grandfather and father established for the past fifty years. He just didn't think it was time to settle down.

"Let Miss Seni know I won't be able to make it." He gave a quick glance at his watch. There was enough time for him to pick a thoughtful gift for his mother as an apology.

Thirty minutes later, he was getting his mother's gift wrapped while Pooja went to pick a couple of bottles of his father and grandfather's favorite aged single malt whiskey. He was just about to step out of the store when his phone began to ring. It was his mother. Bracing himself for disappointing his mother by not meeting the eligible woman, he answered the call.

"Vikram..." His mother's voice sounded small and tentative. Immediately, Vikram became alert.

"What happened, Mum?"

"It's your grandfather. He's doing fine now, but a few hours ago, he had a stroke while he was in the middle of a meeting."

Vikram was taken aback by the news. Even at nearly seventy-seven years of age, his grandfather was still quite healthy and a force to be reckoned with.

"I know Papa won't like it if I disturb you and Vishu while you're both on business trips. But please, come urgently."

"I'm heading home right away. I'll be there soon, Mum."

"Thank you, son."

As soon as he ended the call with his mother, he called Pooja. "Hi, Vikram, the pilot just called and said we can take off anytime now."

"Call him back," Vikraminstructed. "Tell him we're flying home to London."


Paris, France

Vishal Saaho stirred and groaned softly to the sound of a ringing phone. It was still dark outside. Only a couple of hours must have passed since he fell asleep around three in the morning.

He groaned once again, recognizing the ring tone and knowing quite well that even though it was an ungodly hour, the person wouldn't stop calling until the phone was answered.

Shifting to his side and gently prying away the two sets of feminine arms wrapped around his bare torso, Vishal reached for his phone.

"Where are you, Vishal?" Vikram's voice asked.

"Still in Paris." Vishal's gaze fell on the view outside the Eifel Tower surrounded by a heavy mist.

"You already closed the deal last evening. Why are you still there?"

Vishal grinned recalling the reason. "The former chairman's daughter wanted me to stay after we closed the deal. I agreed. Just to ensure that there are no hard feelings remaining after the acquisition. Anyway, I'm flying to Sydney in a few hours."

"Not Sydney. Go home. I'm flying home, too."

Vishal's grin disappeared and a frown took over. "What happened?"

"Grandfather's fine now. But he had a stroke a couple of hours back."

"Grandfather?" The tough old taskmaster was healthy as a horse and even jogged three kilometers each morning. The head of the Saaho Group still put the fear of God in everyone who worked for him. If anything, the people around him should have heart attacks and strokes. How the hell did he have a stroke?

"He's seventy-seven, Vishal. These things are bound to happen." Vikram knew how attached and how much Vishal loved their grandfather. "Get on the next flight and go home. Mum and Dad need us now."

"I'll leave right away." Vishal ended the call and then dialed the number of his personal assistant. As soon as the phone was answered, he instructed his assistant to make the necessary arrangements.

Vishal stepped down from the bed. Not bothering to search for his discarded clothes among the scattered clothes around the room, he headed to the bathroom.

A quick, cold shower later, he felt awake despite two hours of sleep. Just when he had put on a fresh pair of clothes and was zipping his suitcase, his attention fell on the stirring on the bed. One of the two women sat up and looked at him.

"Vishal? You're leaving already?"

"Yeah. Got an emergency call from home," he told her. "You and your girlfriend are more than welcome to stay longer in the hotel suite. Order breakfast, lunch or even drinks. I'll tell the management to keep the tab open on my account."

He smiled at the slightly smitten and bemused look on the woman's beautiful face. Considering that her preferences had always leaned towards other females, he could understand her shock when she along with her long-time girlfriend decided to spend the night with him in his bed.

"Take care, sweetheart," he told her. "And all the best for your wedding."

He wheeled his suitcase out of the hotel suite.

Tanuj, Vishal's personal assistant, was already waiting downstairs. Sliding into the sleek, black limousine that would take them to the airport, Vishal gave out more instructions to Tanuj before calling his mother and assuring her everything would be fine.

The PromiseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz